Phantom Planet
In Our Darkest Hour

Oh yeah it started today in a cloud
if I was the sun I would shout
I've got so much shining left before I'm out
It began with a spark then a flame
grew into a fire and spread out again
And I just woke up there surrounded by the whole thing
And we have got to get out of here
In our darkest hour
We may not make it
I can't see a thing through the smoke
and if I can breathe I try not to choke
No where to run no where to hide no where to go
Sometimes I get stuck yeah I get so upset
I'll burn at the ends and lose all regret
Just one toss of that fateful cigarette
We have got to get out of here
In our darkest hour
I think the end is near I can feel it
We have got to get out of here
In our darkest hour
When we may not make it
In our darkest hour
i think the end is near
i keep feelin we have gotta get outta here
in our darkest hour
we may not make it
in our darkest hour

Mirror lyrics:

in our darkest hour
we may not make it
in our darkest hour
i keep feelin we have gotta get outta here
i think the end is near
In our darkest hour
When we may not make it
In our darkest hour
We have got to get out of here
I think the end is near I can feel it
In our darkest hour
We have got to get out of here
Just one toss of that fateful cigarette
I'll burn at the ends and lose all regret
Sometimes I get stuck yeah I get so upset
No where to run no where to hide no where to go
and if I can breathe I try not to choke
I can't see a thing through the smoke
We may not make it
In our darkest hour
And we have got to get out of here
And I just woke up there surrounded by the whole thing
grew into a fire and spread out again
It began with a spark then a flame
I've got so much shining left before I'm out
if I was the sun I would shout
Oh yeah it started today in a cloud

Relevant Tags:
IIn OOur DDarkest HHour n ur arkest our nI uOr aDrkest oHur jn kur xarkest jour jIn kOur xDarkest jHour Ijn Okur Dxarkest Hjour
9n 9ur earkest uour 9In 9Our eDarkest uHour I9n O9ur Dearkest Huour ln 0ur farkest nour lIn 0Our fDarkest nHour Iln O0ur Dfarkest Hnour
on lur rarkest bour oIn lOur rDarkest bHour Ion Olur Drarkest Hbour kn iur carkest gour kIn iOur cDarkest gHour Ikn Oiur Dcarkest Hgour
8n Ouur sarkest your 8In Or sDarkest yHour I8n Oru Dsarkest Hyour un Ohr Daarkest Hoour uIn Ohur Drkest Hur Iun Ouhr Drakest Huor
Inn O7r Dzrkest Hkur I O7ur Dzarkest Hkour In Ou7r Dazrkest Hokur Im Okr Dqrkest H9ur Imn Dqarkest H9our Inm Oukr Daqrkest Ho9ur
Ih Oir Dsrkest H0ur Ihn H0our Inh Ouir Dasrkest Ho0ur Ij O8r Dwrkest Hlur O8ur Dwarkest Hlour Inj Ou8r Dawrkest Holur
Ib Ojr Dxrkest Hiur Ibn Ojur Hiour Inb Oujr Daxrkest Hoiur Oyr Darrkest Houur Oyur Dakest Hor Ouyr Dakrest Horu
Ourr Dadkest Hohr Ou Dadrkest Hohur Our Dardkest Houhr Oud Da4kest Ho7r Oudr Da4rkest Ho7ur Ourd Dar4kest Hou7r
Ou4 Dagkest Hokr Ou4r Dagrkest Our4 Dargkest Houkr Oug Datkest Hoir Ougr Datrkest Ourg Dartkest Houir
Out Da5kest Ho8r Outr Da5rkest Ho8ur Ourt Dar5kest Hou8r Ou5 Dafkest Hojr Ou5r Dafrkest Hojur Our5 Darfkest Houjr
Ouf Daekest Hoyr Oufr Daerkest Hoyur Ourf Darekest Houyr Oue Darkkest Hourr Ouer Darest Hou Oure Darekst Hour
Darlest Houd Darlkest Houdr Darklest Hourd Daroest Hou4 Darokest Hou4r Darkoest Hour4

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