Phantom Planet
Badd Business

So, you've been trying to get ahead
But coming up empty handed
Losing all those friends you made instead
Oh you pushed your way up to the top
You got so tall you had to stop
Did you squint to see who you were stepping on?
It's your secret to success
That's causing such a mess
And to be honest
Forgetting all of us
Now that is just Bad Business
You think you're worth your weight in gold
While everybody's looking like the color of money
We knew you when and we don't really think it's funny
OK I'm just hoping for that day when your business life comes to an end
Deal with us just like people again
And you're just scheming on success
But only coming up with meager messiness
Oh you can sell sell sell
And never do well
When dealing in Bad Business
If you're plainning to invest
Well anyday now we'll be coming to collect
Oh yeah- well you can sell sell sell
And never do well
When dealing in Bad Business

Mirror lyrics:

When dealing in Bad Business
And never do well
Oh yeah- well you can sell sell sell
Well anyday now we'll be coming to collect
If you're plainning to invest
When dealing in Bad Business
And never do well
Oh you can sell sell sell
But only coming up with meager messiness
And you're just scheming on success
Deal with us just like people again
OK I'm just hoping for that day when your business life comes to an end
We knew you when and we don't really think it's funny
While everybody's looking like the color of money
You think you're worth your weight in gold
Now that is just Bad Business
Forgetting all of us
And to be honest
That's causing such a mess
It's your secret to success
Did you squint to see who you were stepping on?
You got so tall you had to stop
Oh you pushed your way up to the top
Losing all those friends you made instead
But coming up empty handed
So, you've been trying to get ahead

Relevant Tags:
BBadd BBusiness add usiness aBdd uBsiness vadd vusiness vBadd vBusiness Bvadd Bvusiness gadd gusiness gBadd gBusiness Bgadd Bgusiness
nadd nusiness nBadd nBusiness Bnadd Bnusiness hadd husiness hBadd hBusiness Bhadd Bhusiness Baadd Buusiness Bdd Bsiness Bdad Bsuiness
Bzdd Bhsiness Bzadd Bazdd Buhsiness Bqdd B7siness Bqadd B7usiness Baqdd Bu7siness Bsdd Bksiness Bsadd Bkusiness Basdd Buksiness
Bwdd Bisiness Bwadd Biusiness Bawdd Buisiness Bxdd B8siness Bxadd B8usiness Baxdd Bu8siness Baddd Bjsiness Bad Bjusiness Badd Bujsiness
Baxd Bysiness Byusiness Badxd Buysiness Baed Bussiness Baedd Buiness Baded Buisness Bafd Buziness Bafdd Buzsiness Badfd Busziness
Bard Buwiness Bardd Buwsiness Badrd Buswiness Bacd Budiness Bacdd Budsiness Badcd Busdiness Basd Bueiness Buesiness Badsd Buseiness
Buxiness Buxsiness Busxiness Badx Buainess Buasiness Baddx Busainess Bade Busiiness Busness Badde Busniess
Badf Busjness Busjiness Baddf Busijness Badr Bus9ness Bus9iness Baddr Busi9ness Badc Buslness Busliness Baddc Busilness
Bads Busoness Busoiness Badds Busioness

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