Pretty Maids
I Am The End

I'm the one who holds the key
The master of your destiny
The final station down the line
I'm coming for you when it's time

I'm the truth you can't escape
Eventually we'll meet someday

I am the end!
The messenger of darkness, I'm the end

You fear what you don't understand
You fear the harvester of man
But where you end up, who can tell
At the gates of heaven or the pits of hell

Are your final curtain call
The conclusion to it all

I am the end!
The messenger of darkness, then again
I am the end!
The path to something bigger to begin
I'm the end'

And when that day is comin'
When the bell rings
When your time is runnin' out
I´ll be waitin' in the wings
I'll be there to be your guide
I'll lead you to the other side of life

Well I'm the last resort you know
I'll tell you when it's time to go, go, go, go

I am the end!
The messenger of darkness, then again, my friend
I am the end!
The path to something bigger to begin
I'm the end!

Mirror lyrics:

I'm the end!
The path to something bigger to begin
I am the end!
The messenger of darkness, then again, my friend
I am the end!

I'll tell you when it's time to go, go, go, go
Well I'm the last resort you know

I'll lead you to the other side of life
I'll be there to be your guide
I´ll be waitin' in the wings
When your time is runnin' out
When the bell rings
And when that day is comin'

I'm the end'
The path to something bigger to begin
I am the end!
The messenger of darkness, then again
I am the end!

The conclusion to it all
Are your final curtain call

At the gates of heaven or the pits of hell
But where you end up, who can tell
You fear the harvester of man
You fear what you don't understand

The messenger of darkness, I'm the end
I am the end!

Eventually we'll meet someday
I'm the truth you can't escape

I'm coming for you when it's time
The final station down the line
The master of your destiny
I'm the one who holds the key

Relevant Tags:
II AAm TThe EEnd m he nd I mA hTe nEd j zm fhe snd jI zAm fThe sEnd Ij Azm Tfhe Esnd 9 qm 5he 3nd 9I qAm 5The 3End I9 Aqm T5he E3nd
l sm hhe fnd lI sAm hThe fEnd Il Asm Thhe Efnd o wm yhe rnd oI wAm yThe rEnd Io Awm Tyhe Ernd k xm 6he 4nd kI xAm 6The 4End Ik Axm T6he E4nd
8 Amm ghe dnd 8I A gThe dEnd I8 Am Tghe Ednd u Aj rhe wnd uI Ajm rThe wEnd Iu Amj Trhe Ewnd Ak Ennd Akm Te Ed Amk Teh Edn
An Tje Emd Anm Tjhe Emnd Amn Thje Enmd Tue Ehd Tuhe Ehnd Thue Enhd

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