Pretty Maids
The One That Should Not Be

My friendly host, I am the ghost that breathes inside of you, yeah
I pull the strings make you do things you're not supposed to do, no

I am disgust in diguise...

Unleash the fire - Set my spirit free
Feel my desire - My atrocity
Feel me...
Within you there's some of me
I'm the one that should not be

Ooh yeah!

In ancient times I lost my wings and from the sky I fell
Condemned my blackened soul to dwell among the dust of hell

I am the monster of lies...

Unleash the fire - Set my spirit free
Feel my desire - My atrocity
Flames rising higher - Tell me what you see
Feel me...
Within you there's some of me
I'm the one that should not be

The curse of my name is the course to your pain, can you feel it?
I'm in command, I'm the blood on your hands, I've deceived you


Oh yeah!

Unleash the fire - Set my spirit free
Feel my desire - My atrocity
Flames rising higher - Tell me what you see
Feel me...
Within you there's some of me
I'm the one that should not be

Hey, yeah!

Mirror lyrics:

Hey, yeah!

I'm the one that should not be
Within you there's some of me
Feel me...
Flames rising higher - Tell me what you see
Feel my desire - My atrocity
Unleash the fire - Set my spirit free

Oh yeah!


I'm in command, I'm the blood on your hands, I've deceived you
The curse of my name is the course to your pain, can you feel it?

I'm the one that should not be
Within you there's some of me
Feel me...
Flames rising higher - Tell me what you see
Feel my desire - My atrocity
Unleash the fire - Set my spirit free

I am the monster of lies...

Condemned my blackened soul to dwell among the dust of hell
In ancient times I lost my wings and from the sky I fell

Ooh yeah!

I'm the one that should not be
Within you there's some of me
Feel me...
Feel my desire - My atrocity
Unleash the fire - Set my spirit free

I am disgust in diguise...

I pull the strings make you do things you're not supposed to do, no
My friendly host, I am the ghost that breathes inside of you, yeah

Relevant Tags:
TThe OOne TThat SShould NNot BBe he ne hat hould ot e hTe nOe hTat hSould oNt eB fhe kne fhat zhould mot ve fThe kOne fThat zShould mNot vBe
Tfhe Okne Tfhat Szhould Nmot Bve 5he 9ne 5hat whould hot ge 5The 9One 5That wShould hNot gBe T5he O9ne T5hat Swhould Nhot Bge hhe 0ne hhat dhould jot ne
hThe 0One hThat dShould jNot nBe Thhe O0ne Thhat Sdhould Njot Bne yhe lne yhat ehould bot he yThe lOne yThat eShould bNot hBe Tyhe Olne Tyhat Sehould Nbot Bhe
6he ine 6hat xhould Noot Bee 6The iOne 6That xShould Nt B T6he Oine T6hat Sxhould Nto Be ghe Onne ghat ahould Nkt Bs gThe Oe gThat aShould Nkot Bse
Tghe Oen Tghat Sahould Nokt Bes rhe Ome rhat Shhould N9t B3 rThe Omne rThat Sould N9ot B3e Trhe Onme Trhat Sohuld No9t Be3 Ohe Sjould N0t Bf
Te Ohne Tat Sjhould N0ot Bfe Teh Onhe Taht Shjould No0t Bef Tje Oje Tjat Suould Nlt Br Tjhe Ojne Tjhat Suhould Nlot Bre Thje Onje Thjat Shuould Nolt Ber
Tue Obe Tuat Snould Nit B4 Tuhe Obne Tuhat Snhould Niot B4e Thue Onbe Thuat Shnould Noit Be4 Tne Onee Tnat Sbould Nott Bd Tnhe On Tnhat Sbhould No Bde
Thne One Thnat Shbould Not Bed Tbe Ons Tbat Sgould Nof Bw Tbhe Onse Tbhat Sghould Noft Bwe Thbe Ones Thbat Shgould Notf Bew Tge On3 Tgat Syould No5
On3e Syhould No5t Thge One3 Thgat Shyould Not5 Tye Onf Tyat Shoould Noh Onfe Shuld Noht Thye Onef Thyat Shuold Noth
Thee Onr Thaat Shkuld Noy Th Onre Tht Shkould Noyt The Oner Thta Shokuld Noty Ths On4 Thzt Sh9uld No6 Thse On4e Thzat Sh9ould No6t
Thes One4 Thazt Sho9uld Not6 Th3 Ond Thqt Sh0uld Nog Th3e Onde Thqat Sh0ould Nogt The3 Oned Thaqt Sho0uld Notg Thf Onw Thst Shluld Nor
Thfe Onwe Thsat Shlould Nort Thef Onew Thast Sholuld Notr

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