Pretty Maids
Shelly, The Maid

Don't ever think you have paid
For the last love by Shelly the maid
She'll give you all her loving aid
When you need a warm bed - Shelly the maid

Shelly with her belly filled with joy
She knows how to treat her boy
She'll give you anything right
She won't leave you in the night
'Cause she knows when there's money in sight

You'll never see her pale
She'll wear purple red on her toenail
You don't ever have to be afraid
Who'll never let you down - Shelly the maid


Mirror lyrics:


Who'll never let you down - Shelly the maid
You don't ever have to be afraid
She'll wear purple red on her toenail
You'll never see her pale

'Cause she knows when there's money in sight
She won't leave you in the night
She'll give you anything right
She knows how to treat her boy
Shelly with her belly filled with joy

When you need a warm bed - Shelly the maid
She'll give you all her loving aid
For the last love by Shelly the maid
Don't ever think you have paid

Relevant Tags:
SShelly, TThe MMaid helly, he aid hSelly, hTe aMid zhelly, fhe jaid zShelly, fThe jMaid Szhelly, Tfhe Mjaid whelly, 5he kaid
wShelly, 5The kMaid Swhelly, T5he Mkaid dhelly, hhe naid dShelly, hThe nMaid Sdhelly, Thhe Mnaid ehelly, yhe Maaid eShelly, yThe Mid
Sehelly, Tyhe Miad xhelly, 6he Mzid xShelly, 6The Mzaid Sxhelly, T6he Mazid ahelly, ghe Mqid aShelly, gThe Mqaid Sahelly, Tghe Maqid
Shhelly, rhe Msid Selly, rThe Msaid Sehlly, Trhe Masid Sjelly, Mwid Sjhelly, Te Mwaid Shjelly, Teh Mawid Suelly, Tje Mxid
Suhelly, Tjhe Mxaid Shuelly, Thje Maxid Snelly, Tue Maiid Snhelly, Tuhe Mad Shnelly, Thue Madi Sbelly, Tne Majd Sbhelly, Tnhe Majid
Shbelly, Thne Maijd Sgelly, Tbe Ma9d Sghelly, Tbhe Ma9id Shgelly, Thbe Mai9d Syelly, Tge Mald Syhelly, Malid Shyelly, Thge Maild
Sheelly, Tye Maod Shlly, Maoid Shlely, Thye Maiod Shslly, Thee Makd Shselly, Th Makid Sheslly, The Maikd Sh3lly, Ths Ma8d
Sh3elly, Thse Ma8id She3lly, Thes Mai8d Shflly, Th3 Maud Shfelly, Th3e Mauid Sheflly, The3 Maiud Shrlly, Thf Maidd Shrelly, Thfe Mai

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