Project 86
Something We Can't Be

What you think is pivotal
Just for the sake of
Controlling your decision making
The world we're missing is still ours for the taking

Into isolation
To comfort, presentation
Anxiety laden, restless confusion
No courage, no confidence, absent delusion

Most of us would be lying
Holding fast to denying
If we
Said we're all feeling swell and content
All of us would be slipping
Backpedalling, gripping
So tight
To our fragile confidence

We're trying
Just to convince
The world we're
That we can't be
We are not
Afraid of
Being alone
Of being caught
By ourselves
With only
Our own thoughts

With hope and integrity
The only true currency
The guilt, not the guilty
And I promise a better night's sleep

Mirror lyrics:

And I promise a better night's sleep
The guilt, not the guilty
The only true currency
With hope and integrity

Our own thoughts
With only
By ourselves
Of being caught
Being alone
Afraid of
We are not
That we can't be
The world we're
Just to convince
We're trying

To our fragile confidence
So tight
Backpedalling, gripping
All of us would be slipping
Said we're all feeling swell and content
If we
Holding fast to denying
Most of us would be lying

No courage, no confidence, absent delusion
Anxiety laden, restless confusion
To comfort, presentation
Into isolation

The world we're missing is still ours for the taking
Controlling your decision making
Just for the sake of
What you think is pivotal

Relevant Tags:
SSomething WWe CCan't BBe omething e an't e oSmething eW aCn't eB zomething ae fan't ve zSomething aWe fCan't vBe Szomething Wae Cfan't Bve
womething 3e xan't ge wSomething 3We xCan't gBe Swomething W3e Cxan't Bge domething de van't ne dSomething dWe vCan't nBe Sdomething Wde Cvan't Bne
eomething ee dan't he eSomething eWe dCan't hBe Seomething Wee Cdan't Bhe xomething se Caan't Bee xSomething sWe Cn't B Sxomething Wse Cna't Be
aomething 2e Czn't Bs aSomething 2We Czan't Bse Saomething W2e Cazn't Bes Soomething qe Cqn't B3 Smething qWe Cqan't B3e Smoething Wqe Caqn't Be3
Skmething Csn't Bf Skomething W Csan't Bfe Sokmething We Casn't Bef S9mething Ws Cwn't Br S9omething Cwan't Bre So9mething Wes Cawn't Ber
S0mething W3 Cxn't B4 S0omething B4e So0mething We3 Caxn't Be4 Slmething Wf Cann't Bd Slomething Wfe Ca't Bde Solmething Wef Ca'nt Bed
Simething Wr Cam't Bw Siomething Wre Camn't Bwe Soimething Wer Canm't Bew Sommething W4 Cah't Soething W4e Cahn't Soemthing We4 Canh't
Sojething Wd Caj't Sojmething Cajn't Somjething Wed Canj't Sokething Ww Cab't Wwe Cabn't Somkething Wew Canb't
Sonething Can''t Sonmething Cant Somnething Cant' Someething Can'tt Somthing Can' Somtehing Can't
Somsthing Can'f Somsething Can'ft Somesthing Can'tf Som3thing Can'5 Som3ething Can'5t Some3thing Can't5
Somfthing Can'h Somfething Can'ht Somefthing Can'th Somrthing Can'y Somrething Can'yt Somerthing Can'ty
Som4thing Can'6 Som4ething Can'6t Some4thing Can't6 Somdthing Can'g Somdething Can'gt Somedthing Can'tg
Somwthing Can'r Somwething Can'rt Somewthing Can'tr Sometthing Somehing Somehting
Somefhing Sometfhing Some5hing Some5thing Somet5hing Somehhing

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