Project 86
A Shadow On Me

These petals
This blackened rose
In a soil all my own
Shrouding your hallowed ground
Like seeds who'll never sow
Like forgery and larceny
And my ill-gained revelry
I recite these scripted lines
While embers of a different time...
Go drifting by

When every word you ever said came true
All I missed in all of this was you

Can you see a shadow on me
Calling me to leave
Find in me a trace of you in
All this tragedy
(You're the only home I know)

These pieces
The shattered shards
Dancing in the moonlight
Glimmering and glistening
Preparing me for the night
I never learned to walk the surface on my own
So lately this ocean floor
Has been feeling more like home

When every word you ever said came true
All I missed in all of this was you

Can you see a shadow on me
Calling me to leave
Find in me a trace of you in
All this tragedy
(You're the only home I know)

(So take me in these fleeting moments
Of solitude in you
Remove this fascination with shadow and remove)
This shattered self of preservation
Commitment to undo
All that you forgave and give
And all you promised to
And all you promised to...

Can you see a shadow on me
Calling me to leave
Find in me a trace of you in
All this tragedy
(You're the only home I know)

Can you see the shadow lifting?
Drifting home again

Mirror lyrics:

Drifting home again
Can you see the shadow lifting?

(You're the only home I know)
All this tragedy
Find in me a trace of you in
Calling me to leave
Can you see a shadow on me

And all you promised to...
And all you promised to
All that you forgave and give
Commitment to undo
This shattered self of preservation
Remove this fascination with shadow and remove)
Of solitude in you
(So take me in these fleeting moments

(You're the only home I know)
All this tragedy
Find in me a trace of you in
Calling me to leave
Can you see a shadow on me

All I missed in all of this was you
When every word you ever said came true

Has been feeling more like home
So lately this ocean floor
I never learned to walk the surface on my own
Preparing me for the night
Glimmering and glistening
Dancing in the moonlight
The shattered shards
These pieces

(You're the only home I know)
All this tragedy
Find in me a trace of you in
Calling me to leave
Can you see a shadow on me

All I missed in all of this was you
When every word you ever said came true

Go drifting by
While embers of a different time...
I recite these scripted lines
And my ill-gained revelry
Like forgery and larceny
Like seeds who'll never sow
Shrouding your hallowed ground
In a soil all my own
This blackened rose
These petals

Relevant Tags:
AA SShadow OOn MMe hadow n e A hSadow nO eM z zhadow kn je zA zShadow kOn jMe Az Szhadow Okn Mje q whadow 9n ke qA wShadow 9On kMe
Aq Swhadow O9n Mke s dhadow 0n ne sA dShadow 0On nMe As Sdhadow O0n Mne w ehadow ln Mee wA eShadow lOn M Aw Sehadow Oln Me x xhadow in Ms
xA xShadow iOn Mse Ax Sxhadow Oin Mes ahadow Onn M3 aShadow O M3e Sahadow On Me3 Shhadow Om Mf Sadow Omn Mfe Sahdow Onm Mef
Sjadow Oh Mr Sjhadow Ohn Mre Shjadow Onh Mer Suadow Oj M4 Suhadow Ojn M4e Shuadow Onj Me4 Snadow Ob Md Snhadow Obn Mde
Shnadow Onb Med Sbadow Mw Sbhadow Mwe Shbadow Mew Sgadow Sghadow Shgadow Syadow
Syhadow Shyadow Shaadow Shdow Shdaow Shzdow Shzadow Shazdow
Shqdow Shqadow Shaqdow Shsdow Shsadow Shasdow Shwdow Shwadow
Shawdow Shxdow Shxadow Shaxdow Shaddow

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