Ancient Lies

Ancient buildings (...)
But what they represent
Preaching peace while they're starting a war
They will cause this world's end
(...) you may disbelieve me
Religion's based on fear
(...) the masses, made, are here!

Believe their lies
Then don't cry
When the hope fades away

The buildings how they lie
Jesus christ was a man of but simple,
A christian (...)
The only thing that they can agree on
Is making life a curse



Mirror lyrics:



Is making life a curse
The only thing that they can agree on
A christian (...)
Jesus christ was a man of but simple,
The buildings how they lie

When the hope fades away
Then don't cry
Believe their lies

(...) the masses, made, are here!
Religion's based on fear
(...) you may disbelieve me
They will cause this world's end
Preaching peace while they're starting a war
But what they represent
Ancient buildings (...)

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Anncient L9es Acient L9ies Acnient Li9es Amcient Lles Amncient Llies Anmcient Liles Ahcient Loes Ahncient Anhcient Lioes
Ajcient Lkes Ajncient Anjcient Likes Abcient L8es Abncient L8ies Anbcient Li8es Anccient Lues Anient Luies Anicent Liues
Anfient Liees Anfcient Lis Ancfient Lise Anxient Liss Anxcient Lises Ancxient Liess Anvient Li3s Anvcient Li3es Ancvient Lie3s
Andient Lifs Andcient Lifes Ancdient Liefs Anciient Lirs Ancent Lires Anceint Liers Ancjent Li4s Ancjient Li4es Ancijent Lie4s
Anc9ent Lids Anc9ient Lides Anci9ent Lieds Anclent Liws Anclient Liwes Ancilent Liews Ancoent Ancoient Lie Ancioent Lies
Anckent Liez Anckient Liezs Ancikent Liesz Anc8ent Liew

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