
Fear god is what they made you learn
Compassion they've swept away
Hear their lies they sell as the truth
Our ignorance has paved their way

They fear what we call the truth
Blinded by greed they exclude
If god is good, show me here
Why is it god we must fear?

Doubt is the the way they control our minds
Destroy these books of blame
Remember when they rise up again
Their rise will be one that is filled with shame


Mirror lyrics:


Their rise will be one that is filled with shame
Remember when they rise up again
Destroy these books of blame
Doubt is the the way they control our minds

Why is it god we must fear?
If god is good, show me here
Blinded by greed they exclude
They fear what we call the truth

Our ignorance has paved their way
Hear their lies they sell as the truth
Compassion they've swept away
Fear god is what they made you learn

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