Procol Harum
All This And More

It's not that I'm so cheerful, though I'll always raise a smile
and if at times my nonsense rhymes then I'll stand trial
My friends are all around me but they only breathe through fear
Were I to cry, I'm sure that still they'd never see a tear

In darkness through my being here, away from you
the bright light of your star confronts me shining through

Dull and sullen, much subdued, my skull a stony glaze
Whirlpools rage on constantly, I'm not so well these days
There must be something somewhere near who sees what's being done
The harbour lights are burning bright, my wax is almost run

In darkness through my being here, away from you
the bright light of your star confronts me, shining through

Come Lollard, raise your lute and sing, and to my ears her beauty bring
like Maddox in the days of old we'll feast and drink until we fold
And folding still we'll spare a thought for what's been lost and what's been caught
and maybe then begin again for love is life, not poison

In darkness through my being here, away from you
the bright light of your star confronts me, shining through

Mirror lyrics:

the bright light of your star confronts me, shining through
In darkness through my being here, away from you

and maybe then begin again for love is life, not poison
And folding still we'll spare a thought for what's been lost and what's been caught
like Maddox in the days of old we'll feast and drink until we fold
Come Lollard, raise your lute and sing, and to my ears her beauty bring

the bright light of your star confronts me, shining through
In darkness through my being here, away from you

The harbour lights are burning bright, my wax is almost run
There must be something somewhere near who sees what's being done
Whirlpools rage on constantly, I'm not so well these days
Dull and sullen, much subdued, my skull a stony glaze

the bright light of your star confronts me shining through
In darkness through my being here, away from you

Were I to cry, I'm sure that still they'd never see a tear
My friends are all around me but they only breathe through fear
and if at times my nonsense rhymes then I'll stand trial
It's not that I'm so cheerful, though I'll always raise a smile

Relevant Tags:
AAll TThis AAnd MMore ll his nd ore lAl hTis nAd oMre zll fhis znd jore zAll fThis zAnd jMore Azll Tfhis Aznd Mjore
qll 5his qnd kore qAll 5This qAnd kMore Aqll T5his Aqnd Mkore sll hhis snd nore sAll hThis sAnd nMore Asll Thhis Asnd Mnore
wll yhis wnd Moore wAll yThis wAnd Mre Awll Tyhis Awnd Mroe xll 6his xnd Mkre xAll 6This xAnd Axll T6his Axnd Mokre
Alll ghis Annd M9re Al gThis Ad M9ore All Tghis Adn Mo9re Akl rhis Amd M0re Akll rThis Amnd M0ore Alkl Trhis Anmd Mo0re
Aol Ahd Mlre Aoll Tis Ahnd Mlore Alol Tihs Anhd Molre Apl Tjis Ajd Mire Apll Tjhis Ajnd Miore Alpl Thjis Anjd Moire
Tuis Abd Morre Tuhis Abnd Moe Thuis Anbd Moer Alk Tnis Andd Mode Tnhis An Modre Allk Thnis And Morde
Alo Tbis Anx Mo4e Tbhis Anxd Mo4re Allo Thbis Andx Mor4e Alp Tgis Ane Moge Aned Mogre Allp Thgis Ande Morge
Tyis Anf Mote

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