Private Line
Grown Like Others

The rain stopped I'm listening to the radio
When the next storm will come
All those clouds are gone
There's no fire in the sky
Just burned soul of mine
I never thought there will be day
When I grow up I can be anything, I can be anyone...

Hey-pretty-day, you didn't start up like others
Anything but not in this town, so gimme a ride
No-more speech how you should be grown like others
Anything but not in this town
It's time to go on now!

I'm looking out, turn off the radio
I understand what they said
If the world's like that, I can't be a piece of it
No hope for better living
History tells what you are
For me it says: “You can be anything, you can be anyone...”

Hey-pretty-day, you didn't start up like others
Anything, but not in this town, so gimme a ride
No-more speech how you should be grown like others
Anything, but not in this town
It's hard to go on now
No-more speech how you should be grown like others...
No-more speech how you should be grown like others...

Mirror lyrics:

No-more speech how you should be grown like others...
No-more speech how you should be grown like others...
It's hard to go on now
Anything, but not in this town
No-more speech how you should be grown like others
Anything, but not in this town, so gimme a ride
Hey-pretty-day, you didn't start up like others

For me it says: “You can be anything, you can be anyone...”
History tells what you are
No hope for better living
If the world's like that, I can't be a piece of it
I understand what they said
I'm looking out, turn off the radio

It's time to go on now!
Anything but not in this town
No-more speech how you should be grown like others
Anything but not in this town, so gimme a ride
Hey-pretty-day, you didn't start up like others

When I grow up I can be anything, I can be anyone...
I never thought there will be day
Just burned soul of mine
There's no fire in the sky
All those clouds are gone
When the next storm will come
The rain stopped I'm listening to the radio

Relevant Tags:
GGrown LLike OOthers rown ike thers rGown iLke tOhers hrown kike kthers hGrown kLike kOthers Ghrown Lkike Okthers
yrown oike 9thers yGrown oLike 9Others Gyrown Loike O9thers brown pike 0thers bGrown pLike 0Others Gbrown Lpike O0thers
vrown Liike lthers vGrown Lke lOthers Gvrown Lkie Olthers frown Ljke ithers fGrown Ljike iOthers Gfrown Lijke Oithers
trown L9ke Otthers tGrown L9ike Ohers Gtrown Li9ke Ohters Grrown Llke Ofhers Gown Llike Ofthers Gorwn Lilke Otfhers
Gdown Loke O5hers Gdrown O5thers Grdown Lioke Ot5hers G4own Lkke Ohhers G4rown Ohthers Gr4own Likke Othhers
Ggown L8ke Oyhers Ggrown L8ike Oythers Grgown Li8ke Otyhers Gtown Luke O6hers Luike O6thers Grtown Liuke Ot6hers
G5own Oghers G5rown Lie Ogthers Gr5own Liek Otghers Gfown Lile Orhers Orthers Grfown Likle Otrhers
Geown Lioe Gerown Oters Greown Likoe Otehrs Groown Lime Otjers Grwn Limke Otjhers Grwon Likme Othjers
Grkwn Lije Otuers Grkown Otuhers Grokwn Likje Othuers Gr9wn Liie Otners Gr9own Otnhers Gro9wn Likie Othners
Gr0wn Likee Otbers Gr0own Lik Otbhers Gro0wn Like Othbers Grlwn Liks Otgers Grlown Likse Grolwn Likes Othgers
Griwn Lik3 Otyers

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