Peter Krason
Miss You

There's something genetically wrong with men
That makes them say everything wrong and when
You need him, he's everywhere but with you
So, I'm sorry, if that's what I do...

I've broken bonds in ways that it's almost art
All these times I went and broke your heart

The chemicals between you and I
Act as a catalyst that I just can't deny
It makes my soul ache for something more than this
Compared to my life now, even hell seems like bliss

I've broken bonds in ways that it's almost art
All these times I tried to break your heart
But I miss you, and I don't understand
Why I miss you, and there's nothing I can do

I can't restore time
No matter how hard I try

I can't stand the way I complicate it from the start
I'm just trying so hard to break your heart
But I miss you, and I don't understand
Why I miss you, and there's nothing I can do

Mirror lyrics:

Why I miss you, and there's nothing I can do
But I miss you, and I don't understand
I'm just trying so hard to break your heart
I can't stand the way I complicate it from the start

No matter how hard I try
I can't restore time

Why I miss you, and there's nothing I can do
But I miss you, and I don't understand
All these times I tried to break your heart
I've broken bonds in ways that it's almost art

Compared to my life now, even hell seems like bliss
It makes my soul ache for something more than this
Act as a catalyst that I just can't deny
The chemicals between you and I

All these times I went and broke your heart
I've broken bonds in ways that it's almost art

So, I'm sorry, if that's what I do...
You need him, he's everywhere but with you
That makes them say everything wrong and when
There's something genetically wrong with men

Relevant Tags:
MMiss YYou iss ou iMss oYu jiss gou jMiss gYou Mjiss Ygou kiss hou kMiss hYou Mkiss Yhou niss 6ou nMiss 6You
Mniss Y6ou Miiss uou Mss uYou Msis Yuou Mjss 7ou 7You Mijss Y7ou M9ss jou M9iss jYou Mi9ss Yjou Mlss tou
Mliss tYou Milss Ytou Moss Yoou Moiss Yu Mioss Yuo Mkss Yku Ykou Mikss Yoku M8ss Y9u M8iss Y9ou Mi8ss Yo9u
Muss Y0u

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