Ryan Kulla
Feeling Something

How am I supposed to change
When crazy thoughts just re-arrange, inside my head
And how was I supposed to know
That you were always left untold, I could not see

But that, that don't mean nothing
My feelings have, turned into something

You are all that matters to me
So take the time, the time to breathe, a little bit
The time has come for us to grow
Take my hand don't let it go, this is for real

But that, that won't mean nothing
Unless your feelings have become something

I'd sacrifice anything
To ensure you have everything, that you need
What are you imagining
Would you make some room for me, inside your dream
Please tell me what you're looking for
I would be that just to be yours, eternally

And we, we need eachother
The rest of my life i want no other
And we, we would be something
I hope you know by now that you're my everything

Mirror lyrics:

I hope you know by now that you're my everything
And we, we would be something
The rest of my life i want no other
And we, we need eachother

I would be that just to be yours, eternally
Please tell me what you're looking for
Would you make some room for me, inside your dream
What are you imagining
To ensure you have everything, that you need
I'd sacrifice anything

Unless your feelings have become something
But that, that won't mean nothing

Take my hand don't let it go, this is for real
The time has come for us to grow
So take the time, the time to breathe, a little bit
You are all that matters to me

My feelings have, turned into something
But that, that don't mean nothing

That you were always left untold, I could not see
And how was I supposed to know
When crazy thoughts just re-arrange, inside my head
How am I supposed to change

Relevant Tags:
FFeeling SSomething eeling omething eFeling oSmething ceeling zomething cFeeling zSomething Fceeling Szomething
reeling womething rFeeling wSomething Freeling Swomething geeling domething gFeeling dSomething Fgeeling Sdomething
teeling eomething tFeeling eSomething Fteeling Seomething veeling xomething vFeeling xSomething Fveeling Sxomething
deeling aomething dFeeling aSomething Fdeeling Saomething Feeeling Soomething Feling Smething Feeling Smoething
Fseling Skmething Fseeling Skomething Feseling Sokmething F3eling S9mething F3eeling S9omething Fe3eling So9mething
Ffeling S0mething Ffeeling S0omething Fefeling So0mething Freling Slmething Slomething Fereling Solmething
F4eling Simething F4eeling Siomething Fe4eling Soimething Fdeling Sommething Soething Fedeling Soemthing
Fweling Sojething Fweeling Sojmething Feweling Somjething Sokething Feleing Somkething Fesling Sonething
Sonmething Feesling Somnething Fe3ling Someething Somthing Fee3ling Somtehing Fefling Somsthing
Somsething Feefling Somesthing Ferling Som3thing Som3ething Feerling Some3thing Fe4ling Somfthing
Somfething Fee4ling Somefthing Fedling Somrthing Somrething Feedling Somerthing Fewling Som4thing
Som4ething Feewling Some4thing Feelling Somdthing Feeing Somdething Feeilng Somedthing Feeking Somwthing
Feekling Somwething Feelking Somewthing Feeoing Sometthing Feeoling Somehing Feeloing Somehting Feeping Somefhing
Feepling Feelping Sometfhing Feeliing Some5hing Feelng Some5thing Feelnig Somet5hing Feeljng Somehhing

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