Ryan Adams
Natural Ghost

Well I was waitin' around for somebody to die
Nobody did but a part of me died I suppose from all that waiting
These things they pass in time but the moments get
real and it's hard sometimes
I think of someone that I'd like to be and I hold that in my mind
But there's always tonight, tonight

And you, you make me feel like I'm here when I'm not
And it, it makes me feel like I'm not here
You, you make me feel like I'm not here
But I am, I am more than you think I am

Take a picture of your life for a second now freeze
it and look at the screen
What parts of you were daydreams, illusions, and other things
These things they pass in time but the moments are
real and it's hard sometimes
Keep the faith, keep moving in time to the music rolling in your mind,
And when you stay home tonight it can become your home

You, you make feel like I'm here when I'm not here
And it, it makes me feel like I'm not here
You, you make me feel like I'm not here
And I am, I am more than you think I am
I am, I am more than you think I am

You make me feel like a natural ghost
You make me feel like a natural ghost
You make me feel like a natural ghost
You make me feel like a natural ghost

Mirror lyrics:

You make me feel like a natural ghost
You make me feel like a natural ghost
You make me feel like a natural ghost
You make me feel like a natural ghost

I am, I am more than you think I am
And I am, I am more than you think I am
You, you make me feel like I'm not here
And it, it makes me feel like I'm not here
You, you make feel like I'm here when I'm not here

And when you stay home tonight it can become your home
Keep the faith, keep moving in time to the music rolling in your mind,
real and it's hard sometimes
These things they pass in time but the moments are
What parts of you were daydreams, illusions, and other things
it and look at the screen
Take a picture of your life for a second now freeze

But I am, I am more than you think I am
You, you make me feel like I'm not here
And it, it makes me feel like I'm not here
And you, you make me feel like I'm here when I'm not

But there's always tonight, tonight
I think of someone that I'd like to be and I hold that in my mind
real and it's hard sometimes
These things they pass in time but the moments get
Nobody did but a part of me died I suppose from all that waiting
Well I was waitin' around for somebody to die

Relevant Tags:
NNatural GGhost atural host aNtural hGost matural hhost mNatural hGhost Nmatural Ghhost hatural yhost hNatural yGhost Nhatural Gyhost
jatural bhost jNatural bGhost Njatural Gbhost batural vhost bNatural vGhost Nbatural Gvhost Naatural fhost Ntural fGhost Ntaural Gfhost
Nztural thost Nzatural tGhost Naztural Gthost Nqtural Nqatural Gost Naqtural Gohst Nstural Gjost Nsatural Gjhost Nastural Ghjost
Nwtural Guost Nwatural Guhost Nawtural Ghuost Nxtural Gnost Nxatural Gnhost Naxtural Ghnost Nattural Gbost Naural Nautral Ghbost
Nafural Ggost Naftural Gghost Natfural Ghgost Na5ural Gyost Na5tural Nat5ural Ghyost Nahural Ghoost Nahtural Ghst Nathural Ghsot
Nayural Ghkst Naytural Ghkost Natyural Ghokst Na6ural Gh9st Na6tural Gh9ost Nat6ural Gho9st Nagural Gh0st Nagtural Gh0ost Natgural Gho0st
Narural Ghlst Nartural Ghlost Natrural Gholst Natuural Ghist Natral Ghiost Natrual Ghoist Nathral Ghosst Ghot Natuhral Ghots
Nat7ral Ghozt Nat7ural Ghozst Natu7ral Ghoszt Natkral Ghowt

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