Sam Cooke
Try A Little Love

Be nice to her whenever you can
And when you cross the street always
Always hold her hand
You'll find out
Just a little love goes a long way

So smile at her when she does something wrong
Always be there to pick her up and to make her strong
You'll find out a little love
A little love goes a long
Long way

If you be kind
Sometimes she'll be blind to the wrong things that you might do
If you treat her good
The way that you should she'll see the goodness in you

So be sweet to her and gentle too
Then you will find out what just a little
A little love can do
You'll find out that a little love goes a long way

If you treat her kind
Sometimes she'll be blind to the wrong things
The wrong things you might do
If you treat her good
The way that you should she'll see the goodness in you

So be sweet to her and gentle too
And you'll find out what a little love can go
You'll find out
Find out
Find out a little love can go a long
Long way

Mirror lyrics:

Long way
Find out a little love can go a long
Find out
You'll find out
And you'll find out what a little love can go
So be sweet to her and gentle too

The way that you should she'll see the goodness in you
If you treat her good
The wrong things you might do
Sometimes she'll be blind to the wrong things
If you treat her kind

You'll find out that a little love goes a long way
A little love can do
Then you will find out what just a little
So be sweet to her and gentle too

The way that you should she'll see the goodness in you
If you treat her good
Sometimes she'll be blind to the wrong things that you might do
If you be kind

Long way
A little love goes a long
You'll find out a little love
Always be there to pick her up and to make her strong
So smile at her when she does something wrong

Just a little love goes a long way
You'll find out
Always hold her hand
And when you cross the street always
Be nice to her whenever you can

Relevant Tags:
TTry AA LLittle LLove ry ittle ove rTy A iLttle oLve fry z kittle kove fTry zA kLittle kLove Tfry Az Lkittle Lkove
5ry q oittle oove 5Try qA oLittle oLove T5ry Aq Loittle Loove hry s pittle pove hTry sA pLittle pLove Thry As Lpittle Lpove
yry w Liittle yTry wA Lttle Lve Tyry Aw Ltitle Lvoe 6ry x Ljttle Lkve 6Try xA Ljittle T6ry Ax Lijttle Lokve
gry L9ttle L9ve gTry L9ittle L9ove Tgry Li9ttle Lo9ve rry Llttle L0ve rTry Llittle L0ove Trry Lilttle Lo0ve
Lottle Llve Ty Llove Tyr Liottle Lolve Tdy Lkttle Live Tdry Liove Trdy Likttle Loive
T4y L8ttle Lovve T4ry L8ittle Loe Tr4y Li8ttle Loev Tgy Luttle Lobe Luittle Lobve Trgy Liuttle Lovbe
Tty Litttle Loce Ttry Litle Locve Trty Little Lovce T5y Liftle Loge Lifttle Logve Tr5y Litftle Lovge
Tfy Li5tle Lofe Li5ttle Lofve Trfy Lit5tle Lovfe Tey Lihtle Lovee Tery Lihttle Lov Trey Lithtle Love
Tryy Liytle Lovs Tr Liyttle Lovse Try Litytle Loves Trg Li6tle Lov3 Li6ttle Lov3e Tryg Lit6tle Love3

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