Samantha Fox
I Surrender (to The Spirit Of The Night)

I've got a secret I can't keep
That burns inside when I'm in my sleep
I try to hide from your memory
But you come back & it's haunting me

What will I find in this fantasy
If I go with me now will you set me free

And I surrender to the spirit of the night
I surrender (I surrender)
The darkness is my lover
And nights of pleasure
So I surrender (I surrender) to the spirit of the night

I take cover from the light of day
But you keep calling and I obey
I don't remember where I have been
But you come back to me in my dreams

What will I find in this fantasy
If I go with me now will you set me free

I surrender

I go crazy when the sun goes down
And it takes control as I hit the town
I give my body to the heat of the night
And there's no man judge if it's wrong or right

Big city lights pouring down like rain

Mirror lyrics:

Big city lights pouring down like rain

And there's no man judge if it's wrong or right
I give my body to the heat of the night
And it takes control as I hit the town
I go crazy when the sun goes down

I surrender

If I go with me now will you set me free
What will I find in this fantasy

But you come back to me in my dreams
I don't remember where I have been
But you keep calling and I obey
I take cover from the light of day

So I surrender (I surrender) to the spirit of the night
And nights of pleasure
The darkness is my lover
I surrender (I surrender)
And I surrender to the spirit of the night

If I go with me now will you set me free
What will I find in this fantasy

But you come back & it's haunting me
I try to hide from your memory
That burns inside when I'm in my sleep
I've got a secret I can't keep

Relevant Tags:
II SSurrender ((to TThe SSpirit OOf TThe NNight) urrender to he pirit f he ight) I uSrrender t(o hTe pSirit fO hTe iNght)
j zurrender (tto fhe zpirit kf fhe might) jI zSurrender (o fThe zSpirit kOf fThe mNight) Ij Szurrender (ot Tfhe Szpirit Okf Tfhe Nmight)
9 wurrender (fo 5he wpirit 9f 5he hight) 9I wSurrender (fto 5The wSpirit 9Of 5The hNight) I9 Swurrender (tfo T5he Swpirit O9f T5he Nhight)
l durrender (5o hhe dpirit 0f hhe jight) lI dSurrender (5to hThe dSpirit 0Of hThe jNight) Il Sdurrender (t5o Thhe Sdpirit O0f Thhe Njight)
o eurrender (ho yhe epirit lf yhe bight) oI eSurrender (hto yThe eSpirit lOf yThe bNight) Io Seurrender (tho Tyhe Sepirit Olf Tyhe Nbight)
k xurrender (yo 6he xpirit if 6he Niight) kI xSurrender (yto 6The xSpirit iOf 6The Nght) Ik Sxurrender (tyo T6he Sxpirit Oif T6he Ngiht)
8 aurrender (6o ghe apirit Off ghe Njght) 8I aSurrender (6to gThe aSpirit O gThe I8 Saurrender (t6o Tghe Sapirit Of Tghe Nijght)
u Suurrender (go rhe Sppirit Oc rhe N9ght) uI Srrender (gto rThe Sirit Ocf rThe N9ight) Iu Srurender (tgo Trhe Siprit Ofc Trhe Ni9ght)
Shrrender (ro S0irit Or Nlght) Shurrender (rto Te S0pirit Orf Te Nlight) Suhrrender (tro Teh Sp0irit Ofr Teh Nilght)
S7rrender (too Tje Slirit Og Tje Noght) S7urrender (t Tjhe Slpirit Ogf Tjhe Noight) Su7rrender (to Thje Splirit Ofg Thje Nioght)
Skrrender (tk Tue Soirit Ot Tue Nkght) Skurrender (tko Tuhe Sopirit Otf Tuhe Nkight) Sukrrender (tok Thue Spoirit Oft Thue Nikght)
Sirrender (t9 Tne Spiirit Ov Tne N8ght) Siurrender (t9o Tnhe Sprit Ovf Tnhe N8ight) Suirrender (to9 Thne Spriit Ofv Thne Ni8ght)
S8rrender (t0 Tbe Spjrit Od Tbe Nught) S8urrender (t0o Tbhe Spjirit Odf Tbhe Nuight) Su8rrender (to0 Thbe Spijrit Ofd Thbe Niught)
Sjrrender (tl Tge Sp9rit Tge Nigght) Sjurrender (tlo Sp9irit Niht) Sujrrender (tol Thge Spi9rit Thge Nihgt)
Syrrender (ti Tye Splrit Tye Nihht) Syurrender (tio Nihght) Suyrrender (toi Thye Spilrit Thye Nighht)
Surrrender Thee Sporit Thee Niyht) Surender Th Th Niyght) Surrender The Spiorit The Nigyht)
Sudrender Ths Spkrit Ths Nibht) Sudrrender Thse Spkirit Thse Nibght) Surdrender Thes Spikrit Thes Nigbht)
Su4render Th3 Sp8rit Th3 Nivht) Su4rrender Th3e Sp8irit Th3e Nivght) Sur4render The3 Spi8rit The3 Nigvht)
Sugrender Thf Spurit Thf Nifht) Sugrrender Thfe Spuirit Thfe Nifght) Surgrender Thef Spiurit Thef Nigfht)
Sutrender Thr Spirrit Thr Nitht) Sutrrender Thre Spiit Thre Nitght) Surtrender Ther Spiirt Ther Nigtht)
Su5render Th4 Spidit Th4 Su5rrender Th4e Spidrit Th4e Nigt) Sur5render The4 Spirdit The4 Nigth)
Sufrender Thd Spi4it Thd Nigjt) Sufrrender Thde Spi4rit Thde Nigjht) Surfrender Thed Spir4it Thed Nighjt)
Suerender Thw Spigit Thw Nigut) Suerrender Thwe Spigrit Thwe Niguht) Surerender Thew Spirgit Thew Nighut)
Spitit Nignt) Spitrit Nignht) Surernder Spirtit Nighnt)
Surdender Spi5it Nigbt) Spi5rit Surrdender Spir5it Nighbt)
Sur4ender Spifit Niggt) Spifrit Surr4ender Spirfit Nighgt)
Surgender Spieit Nigyt) Spierit Surrgender Spireit Nighyt)
Surtender Spiriit Nightt) Spirt Nigh) Surrtender Spirti Nigh)t
Sur5ender Spirjt Nighf) Spirjit Nighft) Surr5ender Spirijt Nightf)
Surfender Spir9t Nigh5)

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