Sam Salter
There You Are....

Verse I

Like A Candle
With a Flame....That Never Dies..
Through the Good and Bad
You've been by my Side....My side..

And when the world Outside..
Is feeling so Unkind...
You where there to pick me Up..
Oh how I need your smile...


Whenever I Fall..
There You Are...
I know it's my Pain ....You Feel
In your Heart..
And When the Life that I Live... Seems so hard...
There You Are......yeah..

Verse II:

Eventhough you're Far Away..
I can still see you....
Sometimes..I swear you're still inside my mind..
Tell me..
Are you the shadow...that always follow me...
You always..seem to be right there....
Like an Angel By My Side...

Whenever I Fall..
There You Are..
I know it's My pain You Feel
In your Heart..
And when..the Life that I Live..
seems so Hard..
There You Are..


Is what you've given Me..
Your Heart is All..that I wanna Know..
Forever in You...
I'll have a Home...

I'll stay by your Side..
Cause you are the Light
In my Heart and In my Life...ooh..
Whenever i look.......
There You Are...........

Repeat Vamp


Sam Salter..taken off the "It's On Tonight" CD/LP

Mirror lyrics:

Sam Salter..taken off the "It's On Tonight" CD/LP


Repeat Vamp

There You Are...........
Whenever i look.......
In my Heart and In my Life...ooh..
Cause you are the Light
I'll stay by your Side..

I'll have a Home...
Forever in You...
Your Heart is All..that I wanna Know..
Is what you've given Me..


There You Are..
seems so Hard..
And when..the Life that I Live..
In your Heart..
I know it's My pain You Feel
There You Are..
Whenever I Fall..

Like an Angel By My Side...
You always..seem to be right there....
Are you the shadow...that always follow me...
Tell me..
Sometimes..I swear you're still inside my mind..
I can still see you....
Eventhough you're Far Away..

Verse II:

There You Are......yeah..
And When the Life that I Live... Seems so hard...
In your Heart..
I know it's my Pain ....You Feel
There You Are...
Whenever I Fall..


Oh how I need your smile...
You where there to pick me Up..
Is feeling so Unkind...
And when the world Outside..

You've been by my Side....My side..
Through the Good and Bad
With a Flame....That Never Dies..
Like A Candle

Verse I

Relevant Tags:
TThere YYou AAre.... here ou re.... hTere oYu rAe.... fhere gou zre.... fThere gYou zAre.... Tfhere Ygou Azre....
5here hou qre.... 5There hYou qAre.... T5here Yhou Aqre.... hhere 6ou sre.... hThere 6You sAre.... Thhere Y6ou Asre....
yhere uou wre.... yThere uYou wAre.... Tyhere Yuou Awre.... 6here 7ou xre.... 6There 7You xAre.... T6here Y7ou Axre....
ghere jou Arre.... gThere jYou Ae.... Tghere Yjou Aer.... rhere tou Ade.... rThere tYou Adre.... Trhere Ytou Arde....
Yoou A4e.... Tere Yu A4re.... Tehre Yuo Ar4e.... Tjere Yku Age.... Tjhere Ykou Agre.... Thjere Yoku Arge....
Tuere Y9u Ate.... Tuhere Y9ou Atre.... Thuere Yo9u Arte.... Tnere Y0u A5e.... Tnhere Y0ou A5re.... Thnere Yo0u Ar5e....
Tbere Ylu Afe.... Tbhere Ylou Afre.... Thbere Yolu Arfe.... Tgere Yiu Aee.... Yiou Aere.... Thgere Yoiu Aree....
Tyere Youu Yo Ar.... Thyere You Ar.e... Theere Yoh Ars.... Thre Yohu Arse.... Three Youh Ares....
Thsre Yo7 Ar3.... Thsere Yo7u Ar3e.... Thesre You7 Are3.... Th3re Yok Arf....

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