You're Not Alone

There was a man who thought
He could avoid all of the things
That stood up in his way
Friends would say that he should
Plan to spend more time
There's lots of trouble in a day
With just enough work
And a short line to a goal
He was so sure he could secure his place
He wanted a lot and was so
Quick to say how this small
World was unfair to its race
He'd spend his time, spends his time
Deciding routes with lines, routes with lines
There was no time, was no time
For corners in the lines, corners in lines
Your pathway grows dark
Was clear at the start
You're not!
You're not!
You're not alone
Your pathway grows dark
Was clear at the start
You're not!
You're not!
You're not alone
Not listening to the people we were close
There always seemed to be an easy way
The work was tiresome, a thing to avoid
Leaving lots of time so he could play
He'd spend his time, spend his time
Shortening lines, shortening lines
There was no time, there was no time
To spend too long on the line, long on the line
Your pathway grows dark
Was clear at the start
You're not!
You're not!
You're not alone
Your pathway grows dark
Was clear at the start
You're not!
You're not!
You're not alone

Mirror lyrics:

You're not alone
You're not!
You're not!
Was clear at the start
Your pathway grows dark
You're not alone
You're not!
You're not!
Was clear at the start
Your pathway grows dark
To spend too long on the line, long on the line
There was no time, there was no time
Shortening lines, shortening lines
He'd spend his time, spend his time
Leaving lots of time so he could play
The work was tiresome, a thing to avoid
There always seemed to be an easy way
Not listening to the people we were close
You're not alone
You're not!
You're not!
Was clear at the start
Your pathway grows dark
You're not alone
You're not!
You're not!
Was clear at the start
Your pathway grows dark
For corners in the lines, corners in lines
There was no time, was no time
Deciding routes with lines, routes with lines
He'd spend his time, spends his time
World was unfair to its race
Quick to say how this small
He wanted a lot and was so
He was so sure he could secure his place
And a short line to a goal
With just enough work
There's lots of trouble in a day
Plan to spend more time
Friends would say that he should
That stood up in his way
He could avoid all of the things
There was a man who thought

Relevant Tags:
YYou're NNot AAlone ou're ot lone oYu're oNt lAone gou're mot zlone gYou're mNot zAlone Ygou're Nmot Azlone hou're hot qlone
hYou're hNot qAlone Yhou're Nhot Aqlone 6ou're jot slone 6You're jNot sAlone Y6ou're Njot Aslone uou're bot wlone uYou're bNot wAlone
Yuou're Nbot Awlone 7ou're Noot xlone 7You're Nt xAlone Y7ou're Nto Axlone jou're Nkt Allone jYou're Nkot Aone Yjou're Nokt Aolne
tou're N9t Akone tYou're N9ot Aklone Ytou're No9t Alkone Yoou're N0t Aoone Yu're N0ot Aolone Yuo're No0t Aloone Yku're Nlt Apone
Ykou're Nlot Aplone Yoku're Nolt Alpone Y9u're Nit Y9ou're Niot Alne Yo9u're Noit Alnoe Y0u're Nott Alkne Y0ou're No
Yo0u're Not Alokne Ylu're Nof Al9ne Ylou're Noft Al9one Yolu're Notf Alo9ne Yiu're No5 Al0ne Yiou're No5t Al0one Yoiu're Not5 Alo0ne
Youu're Noh Allne Yo're Noht Yo'ure Noth Alolne Yoh're Noy Aline Yohu're Noyt Alione Youh're Noty Aloine Yo7're No6 Alonne
Yo7u're No6t Aloe You7're Not6 Aloen Yok're Nog Alome Nogt Alomne Youk're Notg Alonme Yoi're Nor Alohe

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