Will It Be You (chapter 4)

Will It Be You? (Chapter 4) :: Saga

The stage is set, all ships have arrived
We know that only one will survive
Will it be me, will it be me, will it be you?
Suspension plates are drawn in tight
Central towers alert to the fight
Will it be me, will it be me, will it be you?
If you bring some you know
I'll have one better
What you want to know
I'll own forever
For years you've watched my vision grow
It's now come time for you to know
Will it be me, will it be me, will it be you?
Are you quite sure you've grown so strong
Since last we met it's not been long
Will it be me, will it be me, will it be you?
If you bring some you know
I'll have one better
What you want to know
I'll own forever
Southwest sector, they're at your door
Silos release black interceptor
Will it be you? Time perfection, defence selection
Intercept without detection
Will it be you?
My contact's made with your feeble raid
Your fleet lies silent, black starlit grave
Will it be me?
Computer dance
Metallic romance
It really seems you had no chance
Yes ! It will be me.

Mirror lyrics:

Yes ! It will be me.
It really seems you had no chance
Metallic romance
Computer dance
Will it be me?
Your fleet lies silent, black starlit grave
My contact's made with your feeble raid
Will it be you?
Intercept without detection
Will it be you? Time perfection, defence selection
Silos release black interceptor
Southwest sector, they're at your door
I'll own forever
What you want to know
I'll have one better
If you bring some you know
Will it be me, will it be me, will it be you?
Since last we met it's not been long
Are you quite sure you've grown so strong
Will it be me, will it be me, will it be you?
It's now come time for you to know
For years you've watched my vision grow
I'll own forever
What you want to know
I'll have one better
If you bring some you know
Will it be me, will it be me, will it be you?
Central towers alert to the fight
Suspension plates are drawn in tight
Will it be me, will it be me, will it be you?
We know that only one will survive
The stage is set, all ships have arrived

Will It Be You? (Chapter 4) :: Saga

Relevant Tags:
WWill IIt BBe YYou ((chapter 44) ill t e ou chapter ) iWll tI eB oYu c(hapter )4 aill jt ve gou (cchapter 5) aWill jIt vBe gYou (hapter 54)
Waill Ijt Bve Ygou (hcapter 45) 3ill 9t ge hou (fhapter e) 3Will 9It gBe hYou (fchapter e4) W3ill I9t Bge Yhou (cfhapter 4e) dill lt ne 6ou (xhapter r)
dWill lIt nBe 6You (xchapter r4) Wdill Ilt Bne Y6ou (cxhapter 4r) eill ot he uou (vhapter 3) eWill oIt hBe uYou (vchapter 34) Weill Iot Bhe Yuou (cvhapter 43)
sill kt Bee 7ou (dhapter 4)) sWill kIt B 7You (dchapter 4 Wsill Ikt Be Y7ou (cdhapter 4) 2ill 8t Bs jou (chhapter 2Will 8It Bse jYou (capter
W2ill I8t Bes Yjou (cahpter qill ut B3 tou (cjapter qWill uIt B3e tYou (cjhapter Wqill Iut Be3 Ytou (chjapter Wiill Itt Bf Yoou (cuapter
Wll I Bfe Yu (cuhapter Wlil It Bef Yuo (chuapter Wjll If Br Yku (cnapter Wjill Ift Bre Ykou (cnhapter Wijll Itf Ber Yoku (chnapter
W9ll I5 B4 Y9u (cbapter W9ill I5t B4e Y9ou (cbhapter Wi9ll It5 Be4 Yo9u (chbapter Wlll Ih Bd Y0u (cgapter Wlill Iht Bde Y0ou (cghapter
Willl Ith Bed Yo0u (chgapter Woll Iy Bw Ylu (cyapter Woill Iyt Bwe Ylou (cyhapter Wioll Ity Bew Yolu (chyapter Wkll I6 Yiu (chaapter
Wkill I6t Yiou (chpter Wikll It6 Yoiu (chpater W8ll Ig Youu (chzpter W8ill Igt Yo (chzapter Wi8ll Itg You (chazpter
Wull Ir Yoh (chqpter Wuill Irt Yohu (chqapter Wiull Itr Youh (chaqpter Yo7 (chspter Wil Yo7u (chsapter
Will You7 (chaspter Wikl Yok (chwpter (chwapter Wilkl Youk (chawpter Wiol Yoi (chxpter
(chxapter Wilol Youi (chaxpter Wipl Yo8 (chappter Wipll Yo8u (chater Wilpl You8 (chatper
Yoj (cha0ter Yoju (cha0pter Youj (chap0ter Wilk Yoy (chalter Yoyu (chalpter
Willk Youy (chaplter Wilo (chaoter

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