What's It Gonna Be

What's It Gonna Be :: Saga

I've watched the way you store into the night
There's plenty out there and you need to see it all
There's something in you that doesn't like daylight
You'd better close your eyes and wait until you're called
What's it gonna be tonight?
What do ya wanna do?
So what's it gonna be tonight?
What cha gonna do?
What's it gonna be tonight?
What do ya wanna do?
So what's it gonna be tonight?
That's a most outstanding stamina you've got
And you push it 'till you get all that you came for
It doesn't seem to work until it's night for you
You're just sitting there all day until they call
What's it gonna be tonight?
What do ya wanna do?
So what's it gonna be tonight?
What cha gonna do?
What's it gonna be tonight?
What do ya wanna do?
So what's it gonna be tonight?
What cha gonna do?
Don't things look better in the night?
Don't things look better in the night?
Don't things look better in the night, to you?
Don't things look better in the night, to you?
Don't things look better in the night, to you?
Don't things look better in the night, to you?

Mirror lyrics:

Don't things look better in the night, to you?
Don't things look better in the night, to you?
Don't things look better in the night, to you?
Don't things look better in the night, to you?
Don't things look better in the night?
Don't things look better in the night?
What cha gonna do?
So what's it gonna be tonight?
What do ya wanna do?
What's it gonna be tonight?
What cha gonna do?
So what's it gonna be tonight?
What do ya wanna do?
What's it gonna be tonight?
You're just sitting there all day until they call
It doesn't seem to work until it's night for you
And you push it 'till you get all that you came for
That's a most outstanding stamina you've got
So what's it gonna be tonight?
What do ya wanna do?
What's it gonna be tonight?
What cha gonna do?
So what's it gonna be tonight?
What do ya wanna do?
What's it gonna be tonight?
You'd better close your eyes and wait until you're called
There's something in you that doesn't like daylight
There's plenty out there and you need to see it all
I've watched the way you store into the night

What's It Gonna Be :: Saga

Relevant Tags:
WWhat's IIt GGonna BBe hat's t onna e hWat's tI oGnna eB ahat's jt honna ve aWhat's jIt hGonna vBe Wahat's Ijt Ghonna Bve
3hat's 9t yonna ge 3What's 9It yGonna gBe W3hat's I9t Gyonna Bge dhat's lt bonna ne dWhat's lIt bGonna nBe Wdhat's Ilt Gbonna Bne
ehat's ot vonna he eWhat's oIt vGonna hBe Wehat's Iot Gvonna Bhe shat's kt fonna Bee sWhat's kIt fGonna B Wshat's Ikt Gfonna Be
2hat's 8t tonna Bs 2What's 8It tGonna Bse W2hat's I8t Gtonna Bes qhat's ut Goonna B3 qWhat's uIt Gnna B3e Wqhat's Iut Gnona Be3
Whhat's Itt Gknna Bf Wat's I Gkonna Bfe Waht's It Goknna Bef Wjat's If G9nna Br Wjhat's Ift G9onna Bre Whjat's Itf Go9nna Ber
Wuat's I5 G0nna B4 Wuhat's I5t G0onna B4e Whuat's It5 Go0nna Be4 Wnat's Ih Glnna Bd Wnhat's Iht Glonna Bde Whnat's Ith Golnna Bed
Wbat's Iy Ginna Bw Wbhat's Iyt Gionna Bwe Whbat's Ity Goinna Bew Wgat's I6 Gonnna Wghat's I6t Gona Whgat's It6 Gonna
Wyat's Ig Gomna Wyhat's Igt Gomnna Whyat's Itg Gonmna Whaat's Ir Gohna Wht's Irt Gohnna Whta's Itr Gonhna
Whzt's Gojna Whzat's Gojnna Whazt's Gonjna Whqt's Gobna Whqat's Gobnna Whaqt's Gonbna
Whst's Whsat's

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