The Learning Tree

I'd better be careful with what I say
One wrong word & all will change
Dialing a number in a darkened room
My heart is pounding, 'cause you might be coming soon
What makes you think you know what's good for me
There's so much goin' on that you can't see
Don't think you will ever make me like you
Whatever you do, I will undo "They're not like us!"
Who I'm with, where I go, and what I do
From now on, it's not up to you
You might push a few of us out of reach
But we're never gonna practice what you preach
All I know is this don't feel right to me
And I'm never gonna be what you want me to be
"They're not like us!"
"It's not like you've never done anything for me"
"Believe me, you've done more than enough"
"And you've given me plenty"
You gave me sight, you made me close my eyes
You gave me the truth, you taught me how to lie
You gave me this air that I can't breathe
You gave me a future I'm not sure I wanna see
You gave me hope, you made me insecure
You made me think that you had the only cure
You gave me horizons I'll never see
You gave me scars I'm sure that will never heal
You gave me faith, you made me doubt myself
You gave me the rope, you let me hang myself
You gave me something to be afraid of
You made me what I am today!
You gave the key, you made me lock the door
You gave me pain, you made me beg for more
You gave me this air that I can't breathe
You gave me a future I'm not sure I wanna see
You gave me strength, you made me feel so weak
You gave me the truth, you made me disbelieve
You gave me something to be afraid of
You made what I am today!

Mirror lyrics:

You made what I am today!
You gave me something to be afraid of
You gave me the truth, you made me disbelieve
You gave me strength, you made me feel so weak
You gave me a future I'm not sure I wanna see
You gave me this air that I can't breathe
You gave me pain, you made me beg for more
You gave the key, you made me lock the door
You made me what I am today!
You gave me something to be afraid of
You gave me the rope, you let me hang myself
You gave me faith, you made me doubt myself
You gave me scars I'm sure that will never heal
You gave me horizons I'll never see
You made me think that you had the only cure
You gave me hope, you made me insecure
You gave me a future I'm not sure I wanna see
You gave me this air that I can't breathe
You gave me the truth, you taught me how to lie
You gave me sight, you made me close my eyes
"And you've given me plenty"
"Believe me, you've done more than enough"
"It's not like you've never done anything for me"
"They're not like us!"
And I'm never gonna be what you want me to be
All I know is this don't feel right to me
But we're never gonna practice what you preach
You might push a few of us out of reach
From now on, it's not up to you
Who I'm with, where I go, and what I do
Whatever you do, I will undo "They're not like us!"
Don't think you will ever make me like you
There's so much goin' on that you can't see
What makes you think you know what's good for me
My heart is pounding, 'cause you might be coming soon
Dialing a number in a darkened room
One wrong word & all will change
I'd better be careful with what I say

Relevant Tags:
TThe LLearning TTree he earning ree hTe eLarning rTee fhe kearning free fThe kLearning fTree Tfhe Lkearning Tfree
5he oearning 5ree 5The oLearning 5Tree T5he Loearning T5ree hhe pearning hree hThe pLearning hTree Thhe Lpearning Three
yhe Leearning yree yThe Larning yTree Tyhe Laerning Tyree 6he Lsarning 6ree 6The Lsearning 6Tree T6he Lesarning T6ree
ghe L3arning gree gThe L3earning gTree Tghe Le3arning Tgree rhe Lfarning rree rThe Lfearning rTree Trhe Lefarning Trree
Lrarning Te Lrearning Tee Teh Lerarning Tere Tje L4arning Tdee Tjhe L4earning Tdree Thje Le4arning Trdee
Tue Ldarning T4ee Tuhe Ldearning T4ree Thue Ledarning Tr4ee Tne Lwarning Tgee Tnhe Lwearning Thne Lewarning Trgee
Tbe Leaarning Ttee Tbhe Lerning Ttree Thbe Leraning Trtee Tge Lezrning T5ee Lezarning Thge Leazrning Tr5ee
Tye Leqrning Tfee Leqarning Thye Leaqrning Trfee Thee Lesrning Teee Th Teree The Leasrning Treee
Ths Lewrning Thse Tre Thes Leawrning Tree Th3 Lexrning Trse Th3e Lexarning Trsee The3 Leaxrning Trese
Thf Learrning Tr3e Thfe Leaning Tr3ee Thef Leanring Tre3e Thr Leadning Trfe Thre Leadrning Ther Leardning Trefe
Th4 Lea4ning Trre Th4e Lea4rning The4 Lear4ning Trere Thd Leagning Tr4e Thde Leagrning Thed Leargning Tre4e
Thw Leatning Trde Thwe Leatrning Thew Leartning Trede Lea5ning Trwe Lea5rning Trwee Lear5ning Trewe
Leafning Leafrning

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