The Way Of The World

You don't look good or be nice too
You gotta watch you say and do
You keep your hands in your pockets -
Close the door, did you lock it -
Yeah, all you sharks out there
You better be careful where you step
Don't say you come to the right things
'Cause I've been here before
If it gets too hot, don't drop it
That's just the way of the world
If you gets those stuff jump on it
That's you know the way of the world
Get to know the way of the world
You see it everywhere these days
Some kind of modern ice age
And if you think that you got it
And I don't know what you think
It starts like it's a new thing
But everytime it starts happening
I know I've been here before
Welcome to the way of the world
Do you follow in the footsteps
Should I follow in the footsteps
Welcome to the way of the world
The way the wind blows
I'm on it I've got to know the way of the world

Mirror lyrics:

I'm on it I've got to know the way of the world
The way the wind blows
Welcome to the way of the world
Should I follow in the footsteps
Do you follow in the footsteps
Welcome to the way of the world
I know I've been here before
But everytime it starts happening
It starts like it's a new thing
And I don't know what you think
And if you think that you got it
Some kind of modern ice age
You see it everywhere these days
Get to know the way of the world
That's you know the way of the world
If you gets those stuff jump on it
That's just the way of the world
If it gets too hot, don't drop it
'Cause I've been here before
Don't say you come to the right things
You better be careful where you step
Yeah, all you sharks out there
Close the door, did you lock it -
You keep your hands in your pockets -
You gotta watch you say and do
You don't look good or be nice too

Relevant Tags:
TThe WWay OOf TThe WWorld he ay f he orld hTe aWy fO hTe oWrld fhe aay kf fhe aorld fThe aWay kOf fThe aWorld Tfhe Waay Okf Tfhe Waorld
5he 3ay 9f 5he 3orld 5The 3Way 9Of 5The 3World T5he W3ay O9f T5he W3orld hhe day 0f hhe dorld hThe dWay 0Of hThe dWorld Thhe Wday O0f Thhe Wdorld
yhe eay lf yhe eorld yThe eWay lOf yThe eWorld Tyhe Weay Olf Tyhe Weorld 6he say if 6he sorld 6The sWay iOf 6The sWorld T6he Wsay Oif T6he Wsorld
ghe 2ay Off ghe 2orld gThe 2Way O gThe 2World Tghe W2ay Of Tghe W2orld rhe qay Oc rhe qorld rThe qWay Ocf rThe qWorld Trhe Wqay Ofc Trhe Wqorld
Or Woorld Te Wy Orf Te Wrld Teh Wya Ofr Teh Wrold Tje Wzy Og Tje Wkrld Tjhe Wzay Ogf Tjhe Wkorld Thje Wazy Ofg Thje Wokrld
Tue Wqy Ot Tue W9rld Tuhe Otf Tuhe W9orld Thue Waqy Oft Thue Wo9rld Tne Wsy Ov Tne W0rld Tnhe Ovf Tnhe W0orld Thne Wasy Ofv Thne Wo0rld
Tbe Wwy Od Tbe Wlrld Tbhe Wway Odf Tbhe Wlorld Thbe Wawy Ofd Thbe Wolrld Tge Wxy Tge Wirld Wxay Wiorld Thge Waxy Thge Woirld
Tye Wayy Tye Worrld Wa Wold Thye Way Thye Wolrd Thee Wag Thee Wodld Th Wagy Th Wodrld The Wayg The Wordld
Ths Wah Ths Wo4ld Thse Wahy Thse Wo4rld

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