My Name Is Sam (your Time Is Up)

My name is Sam
Oh ya
Your time is up
I'm the one who makes the decisions
My name is Sam
Oh ya
We won't need luck I'm watching you on your mission
"My Name is Sam"
I'm gonna roll your heart out, and use it for a carpet
"My Name is Sam"
I'm gonna walk you home, and shove you in your basket
You don't look well
Do you need your mother, or maybe your father?
I just can't tell
Just tell me why, why should I bother?
"My Name is Sam"
I'm gonna roll your heart out, and use it for a carpet
"My Name is Sam"
I'm gonna walk you home, and shove you in your basket

Mirror lyrics:

I'm gonna walk you home, and shove you in your basket
"My Name is Sam"
I'm gonna roll your heart out, and use it for a carpet
"My Name is Sam"
Just tell me why, why should I bother?
I just can't tell
Do you need your mother, or maybe your father?
You don't look well
I'm gonna walk you home, and shove you in your basket
"My Name is Sam"
I'm gonna roll your heart out, and use it for a carpet
"My Name is Sam"
We won't need luck I'm watching you on your mission
Oh ya
My name is Sam
I'm the one who makes the decisions
Your time is up
Oh ya
My name is Sam

Relevant Tags:
MMy NName IIs SSam ((your TTime IIs UUp) y ame s am your ime s p) yM aNme sI aSm y(our iTme sI pU) jy mame js zam (yyour fime js hp) jMy mName jIs zSam (our fTime jIs hUp)
Mjy Nmame Ijs Szam (oyur Tfime Ijs Uhp) ky hame 9s wam (gour 5ime 9s 7p) kMy hName 9Is wSam (gyour 5Time 9Is 7Up) Mky Nhame I9s Swam (ygour T5ime I9s U7p) ny jame ls dam (hour hime ls kp)
nMy jName lIs dSam (hyour hTime lIs kUp) Mny Njame Ils Sdam (yhour Thime Ils Ukp) Myy bame os eam (6our yime os ip) M bName oIs eSam (6your yTime oIs iUp) My Nbame Ios Seam (y6our Tyime Ios Uip)
Mg Naame ks xam (uour 6ime ks 8p) Mgy Nme kIs xSam (uyour 6Time kIs 8Up) Myg Nmae Iks Sxam (yuour T6ime Iks U8p) Mh Nzme 8s aam (7our gime 8s jp) Mhy Nzame 8Is aSam (7your gTime 8Is jUp)
Myh Nazme I8s Saam (y7our Tgime I8s Ujp) M6 Nqme us (jour rime us yp) M6y Nqame uIs Sm (jyour rTime uIs yUp) My6 Naqme Ius Sma (yjour Trime Ius Uyp) Mu Nsme Iss Szm (tour Tiime Iss Upp)
Muy Nsame I (tyour Tme I U) Myu Nasme Is Sazm (ytour Tmie Is U)p M7 Nwme Iz Sqm (yoour Tjme Iz U0) M7y Nwame Izs Sqam (yur Tjime Izs U0p) My7 Nawme Isz Saqm (yuor Tijme Isz Up0)
Mj Nxme Iw Ssm (ykur T9me Iw Ul) Nxame Iws Ssam (ykour T9ime Iws Ulp) Myj Naxme Isw Sasm (yokur Ti9me Isw Upl) Mt Namme Id Swm (y9ur Tlme Id Uo) Mty Nae Ids (y9our Tlime Ids Uop)
Myt Naem Isd Sawm (yo9ur Tilme Isd Upo) Naje Ie Sxm (y0ur Tome Ie Up)) Najme Ies (y0our Toime Ies Up Namje Ise Saxm (yo0ur Tiome Ise Up) Nake Ix Samm (ylur Tkme Ix
Nakme Ixs Sa (ylour Tkime Ixs Namke Isx Sam (yolur Tikme Isx Nane Ia Saj (yiur T8me Ia Nanme Ias Sajm (yiour T8ime Ias Namne Isa Samj (yoiur Ti8me Isa
Namee Sak (youur Tume

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