Sanctus Real
The Face Of Love

I've seen your face on stained glass, in colored lights
In pictures of you looking to the sky

You've been portrayed a thousand different ways
But my heart can see you better than my eyes
‘Cause it's love that paints the portrait of your life

The face of love
The face of love
You look more like love everyday

I've read your words in the pages of your life
And I've imagined what you were like
I may not know the shape of your face
But I can feel your heart changing mine
And your love still proves that you're alive

The face of love
The face of love
You look more like love everyday

You are the face that changed the whole world
No one too lost for you love
No one too low for you to serve
So give us the grace to change the world
No one too lost for me to love
No one too low for me to serve

Let us see...
Let us be your face

Mirror lyrics:

Let us be your face
Let us see...

No one too low for me to serve
No one too lost for me to love
So give us the grace to change the world
No one too low for you to serve
No one too lost for you love
You are the face that changed the whole world

You look more like love everyday
The face of love
The face of love

And your love still proves that you're alive
But I can feel your heart changing mine
I may not know the shape of your face
And I've imagined what you were like
I've read your words in the pages of your life

You look more like love everyday
The face of love
The face of love

‘Cause it's love that paints the portrait of your life
But my heart can see you better than my eyes
You've been portrayed a thousand different ways

In pictures of you looking to the sky
I've seen your face on stained glass, in colored lights

Relevant Tags:
TThe FFace OOf LLove he ace f ove hTe aFce fO oLve fhe cace kf kove fThe cFace kOf kLove Tfhe Fcace Okf Lkove 5he race 9f oove
5The rFace 9Of oLove T5he Frace O9f Loove hhe gace 0f pove hThe gFace 0Of pLove Thhe Fgace O0f Lpove yhe tace lf yThe tFace lOf Lve
Tyhe Ftace Olf Lvoe 6he vace if Lkve 6The vFace iOf T6he Fvace Oif Lokve ghe dace Off L9ve gThe dFace O L9ove Tghe Fdace Of Lo9ve
rhe Faace Oc L0ve rThe Fce Ocf L0ove Trhe Fcae Ofc Lo0ve Fzce Or Llve Te Fzace Orf Llove Teh Fazce Ofr Lolve Tje Fqce Og Live
Tjhe Fqace Ogf Liove Thje Faqce Ofg Loive Tue Fsce Ot Lovve Tuhe Fsace Otf Loe Thue Fasce Oft Loev Tne Fwce Ov Lobe Tnhe Fwace Ovf Lobve
Thne Fawce Ofv Lovbe Tbe Fxce Od Loce Tbhe Fxace Odf Locve

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