Sanctus Real
Change Me

Did I change your mind with
What I said last night?
Did I break your heart by
Straying so far?
From what you have in mind
For my life?

Would you change me from
Who I've been lately?
'Cause I know I'm nothing
Without you

Did my words betray the
Patience I once claimed
Can't you see it in my face?
I need your grace

Would you change me from
Who I've been laterly?
'Cause I know I'm nothing
Without you

Would you save me from
The way I've been lately?
'Cause I can't see living
Without you

So would you speak to me!
And show me what I need!

Is it patience? Kindess?
All that's in between?
Loving others,
The way you love me?

Would you change me from
Who I've been lately?
'Cause I lnow I'm nothing
without you

Would you break me from
The way I've been lately?
'Cause I can't see living
Without you

Mirror lyrics:

Without you
'Cause I can't see living
The way I've been lately?
Would you break me from

without you
'Cause I lnow I'm nothing
Who I've been lately?
Would you change me from

The way you love me?
Loving others,
All that's in between?
Is it patience? Kindess?

And show me what I need!
So would you speak to me!

Without you
'Cause I can't see living
The way I've been lately?
Would you save me from

Without you
'Cause I know I'm nothing
Who I've been laterly?
Would you change me from

I need your grace
Can't you see it in my face?
Patience I once claimed
Did my words betray the

Without you
'Cause I know I'm nothing
Who I've been lately?
Would you change me from

For my life?
From what you have in mind
Straying so far?
Did I break your heart by
What I said last night?
Did I change your mind with

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Cyange Mw Cyhange Mwe Chyange Mew Chaange Chnge Chnage Chznge Chzange Chaznge Chqnge Chqange
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