Sananda Maitreya
And I Need To Be With Someone Tonight

Shine on your light
Lead me to your home

Lower your sights
Put away your comb

Though black babies are starving
And cows fed for the carving

All I know is I'm lonely
And I need to be with someone tonight

Lift up your chin
Let me see your eyes

Words are not my yen
My tongue is often tied

Though apartheid's a greater issue
I long to hear "I miss you"

All I know is I'm lonely
And I need to be with someone tonight

'Till men stop being intimidated
By women who have made it

All I know is I'm lonely
And I need to be with someone tonight

Mirror lyrics:

And I need to be with someone tonight
All I know is I'm lonely

By women who have made it
'Till men stop being intimidated

And I need to be with someone tonight
All I know is I'm lonely

I long to hear "I miss you"
Though apartheid's a greater issue

My tongue is often tied
Words are not my yen

Let me see your eyes
Lift up your chin

And I need to be with someone tonight
All I know is I'm lonely

And cows fed for the carving
Though black babies are starving

Put away your comb
Lower your sights

Lead me to your home
Shine on your light

Relevant Tags:
AAnd II NNeed TTo BBe WWith SSomeone TTonight nd eed o e ith omeone onight nAd I eNed oT eB iWth oSmeone oTnight
znd j meed fo ve aith zomeone fonight zAnd jI mNeed fTo vBe aWith zSomeone fTonight Aznd Ij Nmeed Tfo Bve Waith Szomeone Tfonight
qnd 9 heed 5o ge 3ith womeone 5onight qAnd 9I hNeed 5To gBe 3With wSomeone 5Tonight Aqnd I9 Nheed T5o Bge W3ith Swomeone T5onight
snd l jeed ho ne dith domeone honight sAnd lI jNeed hTo nBe dWith dSomeone hTonight Asnd Il Njeed Tho Bne Wdith Sdomeone Thonight
wnd o beed yo he eith eomeone yonight wAnd oI bNeed yTo hBe eWith eSomeone yTonight Awnd Io Nbeed Tyo Bhe Weith Seomeone Tyonight
xnd k Neeed 6o Bee sith xomeone 6onight xAnd kI Ned 6To B sWith xSomeone 6Tonight Axnd Ik Need T6o Be Wsith Sxomeone T6onight
Annd 8 Nsed go Bs 2ith aomeone gonight Ad 8I Nseed gTo Bse 2With aSomeone gTonight Adn I8 Nesed Tgo Bes W2ith Saomeone Tgonight
Amd u N3ed ro B3 qith Soomeone ronight Amnd uI N3eed rTo B3e qWith Smeone rTonight Anmd Iu Ne3ed Tro Be3 Wqith Smoeone Tronight
Ahd Nfed Too Bf Wiith Skmeone Toonight Ahnd Nfeed T Bfe Wth Skomeone Tnight Anhd Nefed To Bef Wtih Sokmeone Tnoight
Ajd Nred Tk Br Wjth S9meone Tknight Ajnd Nreed Tko Bre Wjith S9omeone Tkonight Anjd Nered Tok Ber Wijth So9meone Toknight
Abd N4ed T9 B4 W9th S0meone T9night Abnd N4eed T9o B4e W9ith S0omeone T9onight Anbd Ne4ed To9 Be4 Wi9th So0meone To9night
Andd Nded T0 Bd Wlth Slmeone T0night An Ndeed T0o Bde Wlith Slomeone T0onight And Neded To0 Bed Wilth Solmeone To0night
Anx Nwed Tl Bw Woth Simeone Tlnight Anxd Nweed Tlo Bwe Woith Siomeone Tlonight Andx Newed Tol Bew Wioth Soimeone Tolnight
Ane Ti Wkth Sommeone Tinight Aned Tio Wkith Soeone Tionight Ande Nede Toi Wikth Soemone Toinight
Anf Nesd W8th Sojeone Tonnight Anfd W8ith Sojmeone Toight Andf Neesd Wi8th Somjeone Toinght
Anr Ne3d Wuth Sokeone Tomight Anrd Wuith Tomnight Andr Nee3d Wiuth Somkeone Tonmight
Anc Nefd Witth Soneone Tohight Ancd Wih Sonmeone Tohnight Andc Neefd Wiht Somneone Tonhight
Ans Nerd Wifh Someeone Tojight Ansd Wifth Somone Tojnight Ands Neerd Witfh Somoene Tonjight
Ne4d Wi5h Somsone Tobight Wi5th Somseone Tobnight Nee4d Wit5h Somesone Tonbight
Nedd Wihh Som3one Toniight Wihth Som3eone Tonght Needd Withh Some3one Tongiht
Newd Wiyh Somfone Tonjght Wiyth Somfeone Neewd Wityh Somefone Tonijght
Wi6h Somrone Ton9ght Nee Wi6th Somreone Ton9ight Wit6h Somerone Toni9ght
Neex Wigh Som4one Tonlght Neexd Wigth Som4eone Tonlight Needx Witgh Some4one Tonilght
Neee Wirh Somdone Tonoght

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