The Larger Bowl (a Pantoum)

Artist : Rush
Title : The Larger Bowl (A Pantoum)
Album: Snakes & Arrows
If we're so much the same like I always hear
Why such different fortunes and fates?
Some of us live in a cloud of fear
Some live behind iron gates

Why such different fortunes and fates?
Some are blessed and some are cursed
Some live behind iron gates
While others only see the worst

Some are blessed and some are cursed
The golden one or scarred from birth
While others only see the worst
Such a lot of pain on the earth

The golden one or scarred from birth
Somethings can never be changed
Such a lot of pain on this earth
It's somehow so badly arranged

Somethings can never be changed
Some reasons will never come clear
It's somehow so badly arranged
If we're so much the same like I always hear

Some are blessed and some are cursed
The golden one or scarred from birth
While others only see the worst
Such a lot of pain on the earth

Mirror lyrics:

Such a lot of pain on the earth
While others only see the worst
The golden one or scarred from birth
Some are blessed and some are cursed

If we're so much the same like I always hear
It's somehow so badly arranged
Some reasons will never come clear
Somethings can never be changed

It's somehow so badly arranged
Such a lot of pain on this earth
Somethings can never be changed
The golden one or scarred from birth

Such a lot of pain on the earth
While others only see the worst
The golden one or scarred from birth
Some are blessed and some are cursed

While others only see the worst
Some live behind iron gates
Some are blessed and some are cursed
Why such different fortunes and fates?

Some live behind iron gates
Some of us live in a cloud of fear
Why such different fortunes and fates?
If we're so much the same like I always hear
Album: Snakes & Arrows
Title : The Larger Bowl (A Pantoum)
Artist : Rush

Relevant Tags:
TThe LLarger BBowl ((a PPantoum) he arger owl a antoum) hTe aLrger oBwl a( aPntoum) fhe karger vowl (aa 0antoum) fThe kLarger vBowl ( 0Pantoum)
Tfhe Lkarger Bvowl (a P0antoum) 5he oarger gowl (z lantoum) 5The oLarger gBowl (za lPantoum) T5he Loarger Bgowl (az Plantoum) hhe parger nowl (q oantoum)
hThe pLarger nBowl (qa oPantoum) Thhe Lparger Bnowl (aq Poantoum) yhe Laarger howl (s Paantoum) yThe Lrger hBowl (sa Pntoum) Tyhe Lrager Bhowl (as Pnatoum)
6he Lzrger Boowl (w Pzntoum) 6The Lzarger Bwl (wa Pzantoum) T6he Lazrger Bwol (aw Pazntoum) ghe Lqrger Bkwl (x Pqntoum) gThe Lqarger Bkowl (xa Pqantoum)
Tghe Laqrger Bokwl (ax Paqntoum) rhe Lsrger B9wl Psntoum) rThe Lsarger B9owl Psantoum) Trhe Lasrger Bo9wl Pasntoum) Lwrger B0wl Pwntoum)
Te Lwarger B0owl Pwantoum) Teh Lawrger Bo0wl Pawntoum) Tje Lxrger Blwl Pxntoum) Tjhe Lxarger Blowl Pxantoum) Thje Laxrger Bolwl Paxntoum)
Tue Larrger Biwl Panntoum) Tuhe Lager Biowl Patoum) Thue Lagrer Boiwl Patnoum) Tne Ladger Bowwl Pamtoum) Tnhe Ladrger Bol Pamntoum)
Thne Lardger Bolw Panmtoum) Tbe La4ger Boal Pahtoum) Tbhe La4rger Boawl Pahntoum) Thbe Lar4ger Bowal Panhtoum) Tge Lagger Bo3l Pajtoum)
Lagrger Bo3wl Pajntoum) Thge Largger Bow3l Panjtoum) Tye Latger Bodl Pabtoum) Latrger Bodwl Pabntoum) Thye Lartger Bowdl Panbtoum)
Thee La5ger Boel Panttoum) Th La5rger Boewl Panoum) The Lar5ger Bowel Panotum) Ths Lafger Bosl Panfoum) Thse Lafrger Boswl Panftoum)
Thes Larfger Bowsl Pantfoum) Th3 Laeger Bo2l Pan5oum) Th3e Laerger Bo2wl Pan5toum) The3 Lareger Bow2l Pant5oum) Thf Boql Panhoum)
Thfe Larer Boqwl Thef Laregr Bowql Panthoum) Thr Larher Bowll Panyoum) Thre Larhger Bow Panytoum) Ther Largher Bowl Pantyoum)
Th4 Laryer Bowk Pan6oum)

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