Ghost Rider

Pack up all the phantoms
Shoulder that invisible load
Keep on riding north and west
Haunting that wilderness road
Like a ghost rider

Carry all those phantoms
Through bitter wind and stormy skies
From the desert to the mountain
From the lowest low to the highest high
Like a ghost rider

Keep on riding north and west
Then circle south and east
Show me beauty, but there is no peace
For the ghost rider

Shadows on the road behind
Shadows on the road ahead
Nothing can stop you now

There's a shadow on the road behind
There's a shadow on the road ahead
Nothing can stop you now

Sunrise in the mirror
Lightens that invisible load
Riding on a nameless quest
Haunting that wilderness road
Like a ghost rider

Just an escape artist
Racing against the night
A wandering hermit
Racing towards the light

From the White Sands
To the Canyonlands
To the redwood stands
To the Barren Lands

Sunrise on the road behind
Sunset on the road ahead
There's nothing to stop you now
Nothing can stop you now

Mirror lyrics:

Nothing can stop you now
There's nothing to stop you now
Sunset on the road ahead
Sunrise on the road behind

To the Barren Lands
To the redwood stands
To the Canyonlands
From the White Sands

Racing towards the light
A wandering hermit
Racing against the night
Just an escape artist

Like a ghost rider
Haunting that wilderness road
Riding on a nameless quest
Lightens that invisible load
Sunrise in the mirror

Nothing can stop you now
There's a shadow on the road ahead
There's a shadow on the road behind

Nothing can stop you now
Shadows on the road ahead
Shadows on the road behind

For the ghost rider
Show me beauty, but there is no peace
Then circle south and east
Keep on riding north and west

Like a ghost rider
From the lowest low to the highest high
From the desert to the mountain
Through bitter wind and stormy skies
Carry all those phantoms

Like a ghost rider
Haunting that wilderness road
Keep on riding north and west
Shoulder that invisible load
Pack up all the phantoms

Relevant Tags:
GGhost RRider host ider hGost iRder hhost dider hGhost dRider Ghhost Rdider yhost 4ider yGhost 4Rider Gyhost R4ider bhost gider
bGhost gRider Gbhost Rgider vhost tider vGhost tRider Gvhost Rtider fhost 5ider fGhost 5Rider Gfhost R5ider thost fider tGhost fRider
Gthost Rfider eider Gost eRider Gohst Reider Gjost Riider Gjhost Rder Ghjost Rdier Guost Rjder Guhost Rjider Ghuost Rijder
Gnost R9der Gnhost R9ider Ghnost Ri9der Gbost Rlder Rlider Ghbost Rilder Ggost Roder Gghost Roider Ghgost Rioder Gyost Rkder
Rkider Ghyost Rikder Ghoost R8der Ghst R8ider Ghsot Ri8der Ghkst Ruder Ghkost Ruider Ghokst Riuder Gh9st Ridder Gh9ost Rier
Gho9st Riedr Gh0st Rixer Gh0ost Rixder Gho0st Ridxer

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