Closer To The Heart

And the men who hold high places
Must be the ones who start
to mold a new reality
Closer to the Heart
Closer to the Heart

The Blacksmith and the Artist
Reflect it in their art
They forge their creativity
Closer to the Heart
Yea, Closer to the Heart

Philosophers and Plowmen
Each must know his part
To sow a new mentality
Closer to the Heart
Closer to the Heart
Yeah ah

ohhh ahh


A Wooah, Wooo

You can be the Captain
And I will draw the chart
Sailing into destiny
Closer to the Heart
Closer to the Heart
Well,Closer to the Heart
Yeah, Closer to the Heart
Closer to the Heart
I said, Closer to the Heart

Mirror lyrics:

I said, Closer to the Heart
Closer to the Heart
Yeah, Closer to the Heart
Well,Closer to the Heart
Closer to the Heart
Closer to the Heart
Sailing into destiny
And I will draw the chart
You can be the Captain

A Wooah, Wooo


ohhh ahh

Yeah ah
Closer to the Heart
Closer to the Heart
To sow a new mentality
Each must know his part
Philosophers and Plowmen

Yea, Closer to the Heart
Closer to the Heart
They forge their creativity
Reflect it in their art
The Blacksmith and the Artist

Closer to the Heart
Closer to the Heart
to mold a new reality
Must be the ones who start
And the men who hold high places

Relevant Tags:
CCloser TTo TThe HHeart loser o he eart lCoser oT hTe eHart floser fo fhe jeart fCloser fTo fThe jHeart Cfloser Tfo Tfhe Hjeart
xloser 5o 5he ueart xCloser 5To 5The uHeart Cxloser T5o T5he Hueart vloser ho hhe neart vCloser hTo hThe nHeart Cvloser Tho Thhe Hneart
dloser yo yhe beart dCloser yTo yThe bHeart Cdloser Tyo Tyhe Hbeart Clloser 6o 6he geart Coser 6To 6The gHeart Colser T6o T6he Hgeart
Ckoser go ghe yeart Ckloser gTo gThe yHeart Clkoser Tgo Tghe Hyeart Cooser ro rhe Heeart Coloser rTo rThe Hart Clooser Tro Trhe Haert
Cposer Too Hsart Cploser T Te Hseart Clposer To Teh Hesart Tk Tje H3art Clser Tko Tjhe H3eart Clsoer Tok Thje He3art
Clkser T9 Tue Hfart T9o Tuhe Hfeart Clokser To9 Thue Hefart Cl9ser T0 Tne Hrart Cl9oser T0o Tnhe Hreart Clo9ser To0 Thne Herart
Cl0ser Tl Tbe H4art Cl0oser Tlo Tbhe H4eart Clo0ser Tol Thbe He4art Cllser Ti Tge Hdart Tio Hdeart Clolser Toi Thge Hedart
Cliser Tye Hwart Clioser Hweart Cloiser Thye Hewart Closser Thee Heaart Cloer Th Hert Cloesr The Herat
Clozer Ths Hezrt Clozser Thse Hezart Closzer Thes Heazrt Clower Th3 Heqrt

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