S Club 7
It's Alright

Ba do be do be da
Do do do do do do do
Do do do do do do do
Da do be do be da

So tell me how you feel
Tell me what is going on 'cause when all hope is gone you need a friend
Uh huh

I'll be there for you
(For you)
I'll be there to help you through
(Help you through)
Take you to another place 'cause you've got a friend
(You've got a friend)

When you're feeling low and you're on your own
Got no where to go
You've got to pull yourself together

It's alright
Anything you wanna
It's alright
Leaving all your troubles far behind
Don't let anybody tell you how to live your life

'Cause it's alright no matter what you're feeling
It's alright
You better start believing in yourself
Don't let anybody tell you how to live your life 'cause it's alright

Do do do do do do do
(It's alright)
Do do do do do do do
(You know it's gonna be alright)
Do do do do do do do
Ba do be do be da

You gotta understand now
Tomorrow is a brighter day
(Oh yeah)
The memories will fade away and the sun will shine on you

So many friends you get to make
So many hearts you get to break
So much love you've got to give
Your whole life's still left to live

Spread your wings and fly
Kiss the pain goodbye
Let the tears run dry
You've got to get yourself together

It's alright
Anything you wanna
It's alright
Leaving all your troubles far behind
Don't let anybody tell you how to live your life

'Cause it's alright no matter what you're feeling
It's alright
You better start believing in yourself
Don't let anybody tell you how to live your life 'cause it's alright

Do do do do do do do
(Why don't you tell me)
(It'll be alright)
Do do do do do do do
(You know it's gonna be alright)
Do do do do do do do
(Please tell me)
(It'll be alright)
Ba do be do be da

When you're feeling low and you're on your own
Got no where to go
Now's the time to get yourself together

It's alright
Anything you wanna
It's alright
Leaving all your troubles far behind
Don't let anybody tell you how to live your life

'Cause it's alright no matter what you're feeling
It's alright
You better start believing in yourself
Don't let anybody tell you how to live your life 'cause it's alright

It's alright
Anything you wanna
It's alright
Leaving all your troubles far behind
Don't let anybody tell you how to live your life

'Cause it's alright no matter what you're feeling
It's alright
You better start believing in yourself
Don't let anybody tell you how to live your life 'cause it's alright

Mirror lyrics:

Don't let anybody tell you how to live your life 'cause it's alright
You better start believing in yourself
It's alright
'Cause it's alright no matter what you're feeling

Don't let anybody tell you how to live your life
Leaving all your troubles far behind
It's alright
Anything you wanna
It's alright

Don't let anybody tell you how to live your life 'cause it's alright
You better start believing in yourself
It's alright
'Cause it's alright no matter what you're feeling

Don't let anybody tell you how to live your life
Leaving all your troubles far behind
It's alright
Anything you wanna
It's alright

Now's the time to get yourself together
Got no where to go
When you're feeling low and you're on your own

Ba do be do be da
(It'll be alright)
(Please tell me)
Do do do do do do do
(You know it's gonna be alright)
Do do do do do do do
(It'll be alright)
(Why don't you tell me)
Do do do do do do do

Don't let anybody tell you how to live your life 'cause it's alright
You better start believing in yourself
It's alright
'Cause it's alright no matter what you're feeling

Don't let anybody tell you how to live your life
Leaving all your troubles far behind
It's alright
Anything you wanna
It's alright

You've got to get yourself together
Let the tears run dry
Kiss the pain goodbye
Spread your wings and fly

Your whole life's still left to live
So much love you've got to give
So many hearts you get to break
So many friends you get to make

The memories will fade away and the sun will shine on you
(Oh yeah)
Tomorrow is a brighter day
You gotta understand now

Ba do be do be da
Do do do do do do do
(You know it's gonna be alright)
Do do do do do do do
(It's alright)
Do do do do do do do

Don't let anybody tell you how to live your life 'cause it's alright
You better start believing in yourself
It's alright
'Cause it's alright no matter what you're feeling

Don't let anybody tell you how to live your life
Leaving all your troubles far behind
It's alright
Anything you wanna
It's alright

You've got to pull yourself together
Got no where to go
When you're feeling low and you're on your own

(You've got a friend)
Take you to another place 'cause you've got a friend
(Help you through)
I'll be there to help you through
(For you)
I'll be there for you

Uh huh
Tell me what is going on 'cause when all hope is gone you need a friend
So tell me how you feel

Da do be do be da
Do do do do do do do
Do do do do do do do
Ba do be do be da

Relevant Tags:
IIt's AAlright t's lright tI's lAright jt's zlright jIt's zAlright Ijt's Azlright 9t's qlright 9It's qAlright I9t's Aqlright
lt's slright lIt's sAlright Ilt's Aslright ot's wlright oIt's wAlright Iot's Awlright kt's xlright kIt's xAlright Ikt's Axlright
8t's Allright 8It's Aright I8t's Arlight ut's Akright uIt's Aklright Iut's Alkright Itt's Aoright I's Aolright I'ts Aloright
If's Apright Ift's Aplright Itf's Alpright I5's Alrright I5t's Alight It5's Alirght Ih's Aldight Iht's Aldright Ith's Alrdight
Iy's Al4ight Iyt's Al4right Ity's Alr4ight I6's Algight I6t's Algright It6's Alrgight Ig's Altight Igt's Altright Itg's Alrtight
Ir's Al5ight Irt's Al5right Itr's Alr5ight It''s Alfight Its Alfright Its' Alrfight It'ss Aleight It' Aleright It's Alreight
It'z Alriight It'zs Alrght It'sz Alrgiht It'w Alrjght It'ws Alrjight It'sw Alrijght It'd Alr9ght It'ds Alr9ight It'sd Alri9ght
It'e Alrlght It'es Alrlight It'se Alrilght It'x Alroght It'xs Alroight It'sx Alrioght

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