Rydell Och Quick
What To Come

My father told me son just have some fun
I follow his advise and now I always on the run

I think it´s easy now to live the life I had
even it´s hard sometime I don´t think it´s bad

Live your life before it´s over and done
it´s time to wake up now
you don´t know what to come
don´t know what to come

My mother always worried for me no matter what I do
but even if I´m drunk or bad she told me I love you

Sometimes my mind look back on the life I had before
but listen what I telling you and the life will give you more
the life will give you more

Live your life before it´s over and done
it´s time to wake up now
you don´t know what to come
don´t know what to come

Live your life before it´s over and done
it´s time to wake up now
you don´t know what to come
don´t know what to come

Sometimes my mind look back on the life I had before
but listen what I telling you and the life will give you more
the life will give you more

Live your life before it´s over and done
it´s time to wake up now
you don´t know what to come
don´t know what to come

Live your life before it´s over and done
it´s time to wake up now
you don´t know what to come
don´t know what to come
don´t know what to come
don´t know what to come

Mirror lyrics:

don´t know what to come
don´t know what to come
don´t know what to come
you don´t know what to come
it´s time to wake up now
Live your life before it´s over and done

don´t know what to come
you don´t know what to come
it´s time to wake up now
Live your life before it´s over and done

the life will give you more
but listen what I telling you and the life will give you more
Sometimes my mind look back on the life I had before

don´t know what to come
you don´t know what to come
it´s time to wake up now
Live your life before it´s over and done

don´t know what to come
you don´t know what to come
it´s time to wake up now
Live your life before it´s over and done

the life will give you more
but listen what I telling you and the life will give you more
Sometimes my mind look back on the life I had before

but even if I´m drunk or bad she told me I love you
My mother always worried for me no matter what I do

don´t know what to come
you don´t know what to come
it´s time to wake up now
Live your life before it´s over and done

even it´s hard sometime I don´t think it´s bad
I think it´s easy now to live the life I had

I follow his advise and now I always on the run
My father told me son just have some fun

Relevant Tags:
WWhat TTo CCome hat o ome hWat oT oCme ahat fo fome aWhat fTo fCome Wahat Tfo Cfome 3hat 5o xome 3What 5To xCome W3hat T5o Cxome
dhat ho vome dWhat hTo vCome Wdhat Tho Cvome ehat yo dome eWhat yTo dCome Wehat Tyo Cdome shat 6o Coome sWhat 6To Cme Wshat T6o Cmoe
2hat go Ckme 2What gTo Ckome W2hat Tgo Cokme qhat ro C9me qWhat rTo C9ome Wqhat Tro Co9me Whhat Too C0me Wat T C0ome Waht To Co0me
Wjat Tk Clme Wjhat Tko Clome Whjat Tok Colme Wuat T9 Cime Wuhat T9o Ciome Whuat To9 Coime Wnat T0 Comme Wnhat T0o Coe Whnat To0 Coem
Wbat Tl Coje Wbhat Tlo Cojme Whbat Tol Comje Wgat Ti Coke Wghat Tio Whgat Toi Comke Wyat Cone Wyhat Conme

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