
mind shut... you act unaware
chained down to addiction
pregnant... but you do not care
a monumentary pleasure
was what you've gained
an everlasting violation will remain
accused... of existence
sentenced... to life
innocence... no longer matters
guilty... as charged
deaf... blind... numb
born with a crippled heart
an emotionless human being
destined to fail right from the start
no hope of recovery
there's no cure
life will never last
that's for sure!
accused... of existence
sentenced... to life
innocence... no longer matters
guilty... as charged
what for?
you hurt the one you should protect
what for?

Mirror lyrics:

what for?
you hurt the one you should protect
what for?
guilty... as charged
innocence... no longer matters
sentenced... to life
accused... of existence
that's for sure!
life will never last
there's no cure
no hope of recovery
destined to fail right from the start
an emotionless human being
born with a crippled heart
deaf... blind... numb
guilty... as charged
innocence... no longer matters
sentenced... to life
accused... of existence
an everlasting violation will remain
was what you've gained
a monumentary pleasure
pregnant... but you do not care
chained down to addiction
mind shut... you act unaware

Relevant Tags:
GGuilty uilty uGilty huilty hGuilty Ghuilty yuilty yGuilty Gyuilty builty bGuilty
Gbuilty vuilty vGuilty Gvuilty fuilty fGuilty Gfuilty tuilty tGuilty Gtuilty Guuilty
Gilty Giulty Ghilty Guhilty G7ilty G7uilty Gu7ilty Gkilty Gkuilty Gukilty Giilty
Giuilty Guiilty G8ilty G8uilty Gu8ilty Gjilty Gjuilty Gujilty Gyilty Guyilty Gulty
Gulity Gujlty Guijlty Gu9lty Gu9ilty Gui9lty Gullty Gulilty Guillty

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