Ryan Star
The Fairy Tale

Hello, my love
Let's sit and talk
About what's been troubling you
About the night I was so wrong
The price that I paid was so strong

So much fun can be bad
Then why are you sad
I know what I did
Let love now forgive

The body you saw
It was not my own
And if it was lie
It was unknown
But how can you see
A prince on a frog
The fairy tale's far from gone

And if your trouble should stay
I'd scare them away
Your night has now come
Love be hiding one

So much fun can be bad
Then why are you sad
I know what I did
Let love now forgive
If trouble should stay
I'd scare them away
Your night has come love
Be light and be one

Mirror lyrics:

Be light and be one
Your night has come love
I'd scare them away
If trouble should stay
Let love now forgive
I know what I did
Then why are you sad
So much fun can be bad

Love be hiding one
Your night has now come
I'd scare them away
And if your trouble should stay

The fairy tale's far from gone
A prince on a frog
But how can you see
It was unknown
And if it was lie
It was not my own
The body you saw

Let love now forgive
I know what I did
Then why are you sad
So much fun can be bad

The price that I paid was so strong
About the night I was so wrong
About what's been troubling you
Let's sit and talk
Hello, my love

Relevant Tags:
TThe FFairy TTale he airy ale hTe aFiry aTle fhe cairy fale fThe cFairy fTale Tfhe Fcairy Tfale 5he rairy 5ale 5The rFairy 5Tale
T5he Frairy T5ale hhe gairy hale hThe gFairy hTale Thhe Fgairy Thale yhe tairy yale yThe tFairy yTale Tyhe Ftairy Tyale 6he vairy 6ale
6The vFairy 6Tale T6he Fvairy T6ale ghe dairy gale gThe dFairy gTale Tghe Fdairy Tgale rhe Faairy rale rThe Firy rTale Trhe Fiary Trale
Fziry Taale Te Fzairy Tle Teh Faziry Tlae Tje Fqiry Tzle Tjhe Fqairy Tzale Thje Faqiry Tazle Tue Fsiry Tqle Tuhe Fsairy Tqale
Thue Fasiry Taqle Tne Fwiry Tsle Tnhe Fwairy Tsale Thne Fawiry Tasle Tbe Fxiry Twle Tbhe Fxairy Twale Thbe Faxiry Tawle Tge Faiiry Txle
Fary Txale Thge Fariy Taxle Tye Fajry Talle Fajiry Tae Thye Faijry Tael Thee Fa9ry Take Th Fa9iry Takle The Fai9ry Talke
Ths Falry Taoe Thse Faliry Taole Thes Failry Taloe Th3 Faory Tape Th3e Faoiry Taple The3 Faiory Talpe Thf Fakry Talee

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