Ronnie Milsap
Nobody Likes Sad Songs

You've seen the way I entertain a crowd.
I use to pack ‘em in for miles around.
And I play the happy songs that made ‘em smile.
Why'd she want to go and change my style?

Nobody like sad songs, ones about devise,
Songs about broken hearts with tears in your eyes.
Nobody like sad songs - since you went away.
Seems like sad songs are all I can play.

A crowd gets restless, they drift away.
Lately no one wants to hear me play.
I tried to do the songs I use to do
Ah, but then I think of you.

Nobody like sad songs, ones about devise,
Songs about broken hearts with tears in your eyes.
Nobody like sad songs - since you went away.
Seems like sad songs are all I can play.

The boss just told me
Ronnie, things aren't going well
He's gonna let me go, I can tell.
He said what happened son, you had it made
Why'd you change the way you played.

Cause, nobody like sad songs, ones about devise,
Songs about broken hearts with tears in your eyes.
Nobody like sad songs - since you went away.
Seems like, seems like sad songs are all I can play.

Nobody like sad songs, ones about devise,
Songs about broken hearts with tears in your eyes.
Nobody like sad songs - since you went away.
Seems like sad songs are all I can play.

Nobody like sad songs, ones about devise,
Songs about broken hearts, with tears in your eyes
Nobody like sad songs, since you went away.
You know it seems like sad songs are all I can play.

Mirror lyrics:

You know it seems like sad songs are all I can play.
Nobody like sad songs, since you went away.
Songs about broken hearts, with tears in your eyes
Nobody like sad songs, ones about devise,

Seems like sad songs are all I can play.
Nobody like sad songs - since you went away.
Songs about broken hearts with tears in your eyes.
Nobody like sad songs, ones about devise,

Seems like, seems like sad songs are all I can play.
Nobody like sad songs - since you went away.
Songs about broken hearts with tears in your eyes.
Cause, nobody like sad songs, ones about devise,

Why'd you change the way you played.
He said what happened son, you had it made
He's gonna let me go, I can tell.
Ronnie, things aren't going well
The boss just told me

Seems like sad songs are all I can play.
Nobody like sad songs - since you went away.
Songs about broken hearts with tears in your eyes.
Nobody like sad songs, ones about devise,

Ah, but then I think of you.
I tried to do the songs I use to do
Lately no one wants to hear me play.
A crowd gets restless, they drift away.

Seems like sad songs are all I can play.
Nobody like sad songs - since you went away.
Songs about broken hearts with tears in your eyes.
Nobody like sad songs, ones about devise,

Why'd she want to go and change my style?
And I play the happy songs that made ‘em smile.
I use to pack ‘em in for miles around.
You've seen the way I entertain a crowd.

Relevant Tags:
NNobody LLikes SSad SSongs obody ikes ad ongs oNbody iLkes aSd oSngs mobody kikes zad zongs mNobody kLikes zSad zSongs Nmobody Lkikes Szad Szongs
hobody oikes wad wongs hNobody oLikes wSad wSongs Nhobody Loikes Swad Swongs jobody pikes dad dongs jNobody pLikes dSad dSongs Njobody Lpikes Sdad Sdongs
bobody Liikes ead eongs bNobody Lkes eSad eSongs Nbobody Lkies Sead Seongs Noobody Ljkes xad xongs Nbody Ljikes xSad xSongs Nboody Lijkes Sxad Sxongs
Nkbody L9kes aad aongs Nkobody L9ikes aSad aSongs Nokbody Li9kes Saad Saongs N9body Llkes Soongs N9obody Llikes Sd Sngs No9body Lilkes Sda Snogs
N0body Lokes Szd Skngs N0obody Skongs No0body Liokes Sazd Sokngs Nlbody Lkkes Sqd S9ngs Nlobody Sqad S9ongs Nolbody Likkes Saqd So9ngs
Nibody L8kes Ssd S0ngs Niobody L8ikes Ssad S0ongs Noibody Li8kes Sasd So0ngs Nobbody Lukes Swd Slngs Noody Luikes Slongs Noobdy Liukes Sawd Solngs
Novody Sxd Sings Novbody Lies Siongs Nobvody Lieks Saxd Soings Nogody Liles Sadd Sonngs Nogbody Sa Sogs Nobgody Likles Sad Sogns
Nonody Lioes Sax Somgs Nonbody Somngs Nobnody Likoes Sadx Sonmgs Nohody Limes Sae Sohgs Nohbody Limkes Saed Sohngs Nobhody Likmes Sade Sonhgs
Noboody Lijes Saf Sojgs Nobdy Safd Sojngs Nobdoy Likjes Sadf Sonjgs Nobkdy Liies Sar Sobgs Nobkody Sard Sobngs Nobokdy Likies Sadr Sonbgs
Nob9dy Likees Sac Songgs Nob9ody Liks Sacd Sons

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