Ronnie Milsap
Jesus Is Your Ticket To Heaven

"Jesus Is Your Ticket To Heaven"

You can buy a ticket to Paris
You can buy a ticket to Rome
You can buy a ticket to Norway
But you can't buy a ticket to that heavenly home
Jesus is your ticket to Heaven
Lord, it's gonna be so nice
Jesus is your ticket to Heaven
He's already paid the price

You can buy a ticket for a boat
You can buy a ticket for a plane
You can buy a ticket for a subway
But you can't buy a ticket for that heavenly train
Repeat Chorus:
Once you've got your ticket
You don't have to worry 'bout a cancellation
You'll be traveling first class
Go ahead and make your reservation
Repeat Chorus


Mirror lyrics:


Repeat Chorus
Go ahead and make your reservation
You'll be traveling first class
You don't have to worry 'bout a cancellation
Once you've got your ticket
Repeat Chorus:
But you can't buy a ticket for that heavenly train
You can buy a ticket for a subway
You can buy a ticket for a plane
You can buy a ticket for a boat

He's already paid the price
Jesus is your ticket to Heaven
Lord, it's gonna be so nice
Jesus is your ticket to Heaven
But you can't buy a ticket to that heavenly home
You can buy a ticket to Norway
You can buy a ticket to Rome
You can buy a ticket to Paris

"Jesus Is Your Ticket To Heaven"

Relevant Tags:
JJesus IIs YYour TTicket TTo HHeaven esus s our icket o eaven eJsus sI oYur iTcket oT eHaven kesus js gour ficket fo jeaven kJesus jIs gYour fTicket fTo jHeaven
Jkesus Ijs Ygour Tficket Tfo Hjeaven iesus 9s hour 5icket 5o ueaven iJesus 9Is hYour 5Ticket 5To uHeaven Jiesus I9s Yhour T5icket T5o Hueaven mesus ls 6our hicket ho neaven
mJesus lIs 6Your hTicket hTo nHeaven Jmesus Ils Y6our Thicket Tho Hneaven nesus os uour yicket yo beaven nJesus oIs uYour yTicket yTo bHeaven Jnesus Ios Yuour Tyicket Tyo Hbeaven
hesus ks 7our 6icket 6o geaven hJesus kIs 7Your 6Ticket 6To gHeaven Jhesus Iks Y7our T6icket T6o Hgeaven uesus 8s jour gicket go yeaven uJesus 8Is jYour gTicket gTo yHeaven
Juesus I8s Yjour Tgicket Tgo Hyeaven Jeesus us tour ricket ro Heeaven Jsus uIs tYour rTicket rTo Haven Jseus Ius Ytour Tricket Tro Haeven Jssus Iss Yoour Tiicket Too Hsaven
Jsesus I Yur Tcket T Hseaven Jessus Is Yuor Tciket To Hesaven J3sus Iz Ykur Tjcket Tk H3aven J3esus Izs Ykour Tjicket Tko H3eaven Je3sus Isz Yokur Tijcket Tok He3aven
Jfsus Iw Y9ur T9cket T9 Hfaven Jfesus Iws Y9our T9icket T9o Hfeaven Jefsus Isw Yo9ur Ti9cket To9 Hefaven Jrsus Id Y0ur Tlcket T0 Hraven Jresus Ids Y0our Tlicket T0o Hreaven
Jersus Isd Yo0ur Tilcket To0 Heraven J4sus Ie Ylur Tocket Tl H4aven J4esus Ies Ylour Toicket Tlo H4eaven Je4sus Ise Yolur Tiocket Tol He4aven Jdsus Ix Yiur Tkcket Ti Hdaven
Jdesus Ixs Yiour Tkicket Tio Hdeaven Jedsus Isx Yoiur Tikcket Toi Hedaven Jwsus Ia Youur T8cket Hwaven Jwesus Ias Yor T8icket Hweaven Jewsus Isa Yoru Ti8cket Hewaven
Yohr Tucket Heaaven Jeus Yohur Tuicket Heven Jeuss Youhr Tiucket Hevaen Jezus Yo7r Ticcket Hezven Jezsus Yo7ur Tiket Hezaven
Jeszus You7r Tikcet Heazven Jewus Yokr Tifket Heqven Tifcket Heqaven Jeswus Youkr Ticfket Heaqven Jedus Yoir Tixket Hesven
Tixcket Jesdus Youir Ticxket Heasven Jeeus Yo8r Tivket Hewven Yo8ur Tivcket Jeseus You8r Ticvket Heawven
Jexus Yojr Tidket Hexven Jexsus Yojur Tidcket Hexaven Jesxus Youjr Ticdket Heaxven Jeaus Yoyr Tickket Heavven

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