Roni Size
Share The Fall (full Vocal Mix)

Can you see what I can see, the future?
Do you feel the way I feel in this life?
Do you believe in what I believe in?
Time of change to set the new feel so

Come to me, and take my hand
Come to me, and take my hand
Come to me, and take my hand
Take my hand, we'll share the fall

People we must keep on runnin
Keep your head behind the road that's paved
Yo we must keep on runnin
Hold it down for one for one respect

People we must keep things runnin
The ground we walk with a common prayer, come on
Together we must keep things runnin
Keep on runnin ‘til you lose your head

Together we can change it all
Together, big or small
Together we can change it all
Take my hand, we'll share the fall…

Together we can change it all
Together, big or small
Together we can change it all
Take my hand, we'll share the fall

Can you see what I can see, the future?
Do you feel the way I feel in this life?
Do you believe in what I believe in?
Time of change to set the new feel so

Come to me, and take my hand
Come to me, and take my hand
Come to me, and take my hand
Take my hand, we'll share the fall


Mirror lyrics:


Take my hand, we'll share the fall
Come to me, and take my hand
Come to me, and take my hand
Come to me, and take my hand

Time of change to set the new feel so
Do you believe in what I believe in?
Do you feel the way I feel in this life?
Can you see what I can see, the future?

Take my hand, we'll share the fall
Together we can change it all
Together, big or small
Together we can change it all

Take my hand, we'll share the fall…
Together we can change it all
Together, big or small
Together we can change it all

Keep on runnin ‘til you lose your head
Together we must keep things runnin
The ground we walk with a common prayer, come on
People we must keep things runnin

Hold it down for one for one respect
Yo we must keep on runnin
Keep your head behind the road that's paved
People we must keep on runnin

Take my hand, we'll share the fall
Come to me, and take my hand
Come to me, and take my hand
Come to me, and take my hand

Time of change to set the new feel so
Do you believe in what I believe in?
Do you feel the way I feel in this life?
Can you see what I can see, the future?

Relevant Tags:
SShare TThe FFall ((full VVocal MMix) hare he all full ocal ix) hSare hTe aFll f(ull oVcal iMx) zhare fhe call (ffull bocal jix) zShare fThe cFall (ull bVocal jMix)
Szhare Tfhe Fcall (ufll Vbocal Mjix) whare 5he rall (cull cocal kix) wShare 5The rFall (cfull cVocal kMix) Swhare T5he Frall (fcull Vcocal Mkix) dhare hhe gall (rull gocal nix)
dShare hThe gFall (rfull gVocal nMix) Sdhare Thhe Fgall (frull Vgocal Mnix) ehare yhe tall (gull focal Miix) eShare yThe tFall (gfull fVocal Mx) Sehare Tyhe Ftall (fgull Vfocal Mxi)
xhare 6he vall (tull Voocal Mjx) xShare 6The vFall (tfull Vcal Sxhare T6he Fvall (ftull Vcoal Mijx) ahare ghe dall (vull Vkcal M9x) aShare gThe dFall (vfull Vkocal M9ix)
Sahare Tghe Fdall (fvull Vokcal Mi9x) Shhare rhe Faall (dull V9cal Mlx) Sare rThe Fll (dfull V9ocal Mlix) Sahre Trhe Flal (fdull Vo9cal Milx) Sjare Fzll (fuull V0cal Mox)
Sjhare Te Fzall (fll V0ocal Moix) Shjare Teh Fazll (flul Vo0cal Miox) Suare Tje Fqll (fhll Vlcal Mkx) Suhare Tjhe Fqall (fhull Vlocal Shuare Thje Faqll (fuhll Volcal Mikx)
Snare Tue Fsll (f7ll Vical M8x) Snhare Tuhe Fsall (f7ull Viocal M8ix) Shnare Thue Fasll (fu7ll Voical Mi8x) Sbare Tne Fwll (fkll Voccal Mux) Sbhare Tnhe Fwall (fkull Voal Muix)
Shbare Thne Fawll (fukll Voacl Miux) Sgare Tbe Fxll (fill Vofal Mixx) Sghare Tbhe Fxall (fiull Vofcal Mi) Shgare Thbe Faxll (fuill Vocfal Mi)x Syare Tge Falll (f8ll Voxal Mid)
Syhare Fal (f8ull Voxcal Midx) Shyare Thge Fall (fu8ll Vocxal Mixd) Shaare Tye Fakl (fjll Voval Miz) Shre Fakll (fjull Vovcal Mizx) Shrae Thye Falkl (fujll Vocval Mixz)
Shzre Thee Faol (fyll Vodal Mic) Shzare Th Faoll (fyull Vodcal Micx) Shazre The Falol (fuyll Vocdal Mixc) Shqre Ths Fapl (fulll Vocaal Mis) Shqare Thse Fapll (ful Vocl Misx)
Shaqre Thes Falpl (full Vocla Mixs) Shsre Th3 (fukl Voczl Mix))

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