Aces In Exile

In the skies above the isle
Aces In Exile prepare!

From near and far they arrived joined the force
Ready to serve the Allied command
Sent into training, though they already earned their wings
They were ready to fly, they were fit for the fight
Once in the air the battle began
They've proven their worth now they fight for revenge

Fighter pilots in exile fly for foreign land
Let the story be heard tell of 303
Fighter pilots of Poland in the battle of Britain
Guarding the skies of the isle

Even at night shadows covers the ground
Fighting goes on from dusk till dawn
We fall on the Reich with the claws of the eagle
They were ready to fight, they were ready to die
Up in the air, the battle goes on
They've proven their worth now they have their revenge

Fighter pilots in exile fly for foreign land
Tell the story again to the 310
Men from Czechoslovakia in the battle of Britain
Guarding the skies of the isle

Over the battlefield brave man long way from home
You are the chosen ones sent to the sky to die
Over the battlefield brave man long way from home
You are the chosen ones sent to the sky to die

Oh fly - it echoes in history
Turning the tides in the heavens above

Fighter pilots in exile fly for foreign land
When the battle's been won tell of 401
Fighter pilots of Canada in the battle of Britain
Guarding the skies of the isle

On wings of history they turn from home
To live eternally sky bound they roam
In all of history, never before
Was more owed to so few

Fighter pilots in exile!

Mirror lyrics:

Fighter pilots in exile!

Was more owed to so few
In all of history, never before
To live eternally sky bound they roam
On wings of history they turn from home

Guarding the skies of the isle
Fighter pilots of Canada in the battle of Britain
When the battle's been won tell of 401
Fighter pilots in exile fly for foreign land

Turning the tides in the heavens above
Oh fly - it echoes in history

You are the chosen ones sent to the sky to die
Over the battlefield brave man long way from home
You are the chosen ones sent to the sky to die
Over the battlefield brave man long way from home

Guarding the skies of the isle
Men from Czechoslovakia in the battle of Britain
Tell the story again to the 310
Fighter pilots in exile fly for foreign land

They've proven their worth now they have their revenge
Up in the air, the battle goes on
They were ready to fight, they were ready to die
We fall on the Reich with the claws of the eagle
Fighting goes on from dusk till dawn
Even at night shadows covers the ground

Guarding the skies of the isle
Fighter pilots of Poland in the battle of Britain
Let the story be heard tell of 303
Fighter pilots in exile fly for foreign land

They've proven their worth now they fight for revenge
Once in the air the battle began
They were ready to fly, they were fit for the fight
Sent into training, though they already earned their wings
Ready to serve the Allied command
From near and far they arrived joined the force

Aces In Exile prepare!
In the skies above the isle

Relevant Tags:
AAces IIn EExile ces n xile cAes nI xEile zces jn sxile zAces jIn sExile Azces Ijn Esxile qces 9n 3xile qAces 9In 3Exile Aqces I9n E3xile
sces ln fxile sAces lIn fExile Asces Iln Efxile wces on rxile wAces oIn rExile Awces Ion Erxile xces kn 4xile xAces kIn 4Exile Axces Ikn E4xile
Acces 8n dxile Aes 8In dExile Aecs I8n Edxile Afes un wxile Afces uIn wExile Acfes Iun Ewxile Axes Inn Exxile I Eile Acxes In Eixle
Aves Im Edile Avces Imn Acves Inm Exdile Ades Ih Ezile Adces Ihn Ezxile Acdes Inh Exzile Acees Ij Ecile Acs Ecxile Acse Inj Excile
Acss Ib Esile Acses Ibn Acess Inb Exsile Ac3s Exiile Ac3es Exle Ace3s Exlie Acfs Exjle Exjile Acefs Exijle
Acrs Ex9le Acres Ex9ile

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