Salem Al Fakir
Damien & Bob

Damien & Bob
sat on a train to Never-ever-Land.
They began to sob
'cause they forgot their friend Chuck the Elephant.

Damien & Bob
looked out the window, remembered who they are.
No clouds, no fog.
Clear skies, sun shines, it's wunderbar.

Damien & Bob
left the train in a hurry, met a moose named Sherry
was a one-eyed movie star.
Couldn't walk straight,
always played loud music in his car.

Mirror lyrics:

always played loud music in his car.
Couldn't walk straight,
was a one-eyed movie star.
left the train in a hurry, met a moose named Sherry
Damien & Bob

Clear skies, sun shines, it's wunderbar.
No clouds, no fog.
looked out the window, remembered who they are.
Damien & Bob

'cause they forgot their friend Chuck the Elephant.
They began to sob
sat on a train to Never-ever-Land.
Damien & Bob

Relevant Tags:
DDamien && BBob amien ob aDmien & oBb xamien vob xDamien vBob Dxamien Bvob eamien gob eDamien gBob Deamien Bgob
famien nob fDamien nBob Dfamien Bnob ramien hob rDamien hBob Dramien Bhob camien Boob cDamien Bb Dcamien Bbo
samien Bkb sDamien Bkob Dsamien Bokb Daamien B9b Dmien B9ob Dmaien Bo9b Dzmien B0b Dzamien B0ob Dazmien Bo0b
Dqmien Blb Dqamien Blob Daqmien Bolb Dsmien Bib Biob Dasmien Boib Dwmien Bobb Dwamien Bo Dawmien Bob
Dxmien Bov Bovb Daxmien Bobv Dammien Bog Daien Bogb Daimen Bobg Dajien Bon Dajmien Bonb Damjien Bobn
Dakien Boh Dakmien Bohb Damkien Bobh Danien Danmien Damnien Damiien Damen Damein

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