Granite Statue

Sitting in a garden with a face like a granite statue
I am winter solstice waiting like a granite statue

Just like a granite statue
I will come when the weather's fine
Just like a granite statue
I want to know what's on your mind

Every single time that I come here I can't tell you what I feel
I am so polite to you and courteous
I know that it's not real

I long to grab a hold of you and take you in my arms tonight
But when I feel I'm going to my courage flies away and I turn cold


Just like a granite statue
Statue, is that you, statue

Just like a granite statue
I will come when the weather's fine
But I'm a granite statue
And I know you'll not ever be mine
Just like a granite statue
Statue, is that you, statue...

Mirror lyrics:

Statue, is that you, statue...
Just like a granite statue
And I know you'll not ever be mine
But I'm a granite statue
I will come when the weather's fine
Just like a granite statue

Statue, is that you, statue
Just like a granite statue


But when I feel I'm going to my courage flies away and I turn cold
I long to grab a hold of you and take you in my arms tonight

I know that it's not real
I am so polite to you and courteous
Every single time that I come here I can't tell you what I feel

I want to know what's on your mind
Just like a granite statue
I will come when the weather's fine
Just like a granite statue

I am winter solstice waiting like a granite statue
Sitting in a garden with a face like a granite statue

Relevant Tags:
GGranite SStatue ranite tatue rGanite tSatue hranite ztatue hGranite zStatue Ghranite Sztatue yranite wtatue yGranite wStatue
Gyranite Swtatue branite dtatue bGranite dStatue Gbranite Sdtatue vranite etatue vGranite eStatue Gvranite Setatue franite xtatue
fGranite xStatue Gfranite Sxtatue tranite atatue tGranite aStatue Gtranite Satatue Grranite Sttatue Ganite Satue Garnite Sattue
Gdanite Sfatue Gdranite Sftatue Grdanite Stfatue G4anite S5atue G4ranite S5tatue Gr4anite St5atue Gganite Shatue Ggranite Shtatue
Grganite Sthatue Gtanite Syatue Sytatue Grtanite Styatue G5anite S6atue G5ranite S6tatue Gr5anite St6atue Gfanite Sgatue
Sgtatue Grfanite Stgatue Geanite Sratue Geranite Srtatue Greanite Stratue Graanite Staatue Grnite Sttue Grnaite Sttaue
Grznite Stztue Grzanite Stzatue Graznite Staztue Grqnite Stqtue Grqanite Stqatue Graqnite Staqtue Grsnite Ststue Grsanite Stsatue
Grasnite Stastue Grwnite Stwtue Grwanite Stwatue Grawnite Stawtue Grxnite Stxtue Grxanite Stxatue Graxnite Staxtue Grannite Stattue
Graite Staue Grainte Staute Gramite Stafue Gramnite Staftue Granmite Statfue Grahite Sta5ue Grahnite Sta5tue Granhite Stat5ue
Grajite Stahue

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