Decade Of The Brain

Since the many sided coin
Went up into the air
And never came back down
That's when I got scared

It's the decade of the brain
But whose?
Pick up empty matter grey
That's blown a fuse

Since the many sided coin
Fell into the lap of
The gods at the party
That's when I relaxed

Mirror lyrics:

That's when I relaxed
The gods at the party
Fell into the lap of
Since the many sided coin

That's blown a fuse
Pick up empty matter grey
But whose?
It's the decade of the brain

That's when I got scared
And never came back down
Went up into the air
Since the many sided coin

Relevant Tags:
DDecade OOf TThe BBrain ecade f he rain eDcade fO hTe rBain xecade kf fhe vrain xDecade kOf fThe vBrain Dxecade Okf Tfhe Bvrain
eecade 9f 5he grain eDecade 9Of 5The gBrain Deecade O9f T5he Bgrain fecade 0f hhe nrain fDecade 0Of hThe nBrain Dfecade O0f Thhe Bnrain
recade lf yhe hrain rDecade lOf yThe hBrain Drecade Olf Tyhe Bhrain cecade if 6he Brrain cDecade iOf 6The Bain Dcecade Oif T6he Barin
secade Off ghe Bdain sDecade O gThe Bdrain Dsecade Of Tghe Brdain Oc rhe B4ain Dcade Ocf rThe B4rain Dceade Ofc Trhe Br4ain
Dscade Or Bgain Orf Te Descade Ofr Teh Brgain D3cade Og Tje Btain D3ecade Ogf Tjhe Btrain De3cade Ofg Thje Brtain
Dfcade Ot Tue B5ain Otf Tuhe B5rain Defcade Oft Thue Br5ain Drcade Ov Tne Bfain Ovf Tnhe Bfrain Dercade Ofv Thne Brfain
D4cade Od Tbe Beain D4ecade Odf Tbhe Berain De4cade Ofd Thbe Breain Ddcade Tge Braain Ddecade Brin Dedcade Thge Brian
Dwcade Tye Brzin Dwecade Brzain Dewcade Thye Brazin Deccade Thee Brqin Deade Th Brqain Deacde The Braqin
Defade Ths Brsin Thse Brsain Decfade Thes Brasin Dexade Th3 Brwin Dexcade Th3e Brwain Decxade The3 Brawin
Devade Thf Brxin

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