Saint Avarice
Visions (through A Boarded Window)

Four walls surround him
A young boy with a vision of hope
Cascade the shade through the boards it awaits
A chain held throne with the means of escape
First fist through the glass
Blood runs from his fist down to his hands
He tries again but fails
The board's held in tight with nails
The struggle begins to take hold
He cries and he hides inside the shade alone so cold
The cycle must continue
The subject here is torture
Entrapment is now blissful
Receive all but self destruction
Insanity starts to take hold
And fear has welcomed itself in the room
The boy sits there tattered and torn
In the fetal position as he is reborn
Unaware of the beasts underneath
His eyes drift away as he sleeps
Don't drift away
You may still have a chance to escape
Just try again
The first board's slowly giving way
No more nights wishing daylight would come
There's no fun in expecting the pain so run
Let each hit be for all you've received
Rip away at the boards and uncover the freedom beneath

Mirror lyrics:

Rip away at the boards and uncover the freedom beneath
Let each hit be for all you've received
There's no fun in expecting the pain so run
No more nights wishing daylight would come
The first board's slowly giving way
Just try again
You may still have a chance to escape
Don't drift away
His eyes drift away as he sleeps
Unaware of the beasts underneath
In the fetal position as he is reborn
The boy sits there tattered and torn
And fear has welcomed itself in the room
Insanity starts to take hold
Receive all but self destruction
Entrapment is now blissful
The subject here is torture
The cycle must continue
He cries and he hides inside the shade alone so cold
The struggle begins to take hold
The board's held in tight with nails
He tries again but fails
Blood runs from his fist down to his hands
First fist through the glass
A chain held throne with the means of escape
Cascade the shade through the boards it awaits
A young boy with a vision of hope
Four walls surround him

Relevant Tags:
VVisions ((through AA BBoarded WWindow) isions through oarded indow) iVsions t(hrough A oBarded iWndow) bisions (tthrough z voarded aindow) bVisions (hrough zA vBoarded aWindow)
Vbisions (htrough Az Bvoarded Waindow) cisions (fhrough q goarded 3indow) cVisions (fthrough qA gBoarded 3Window) Vcisions (tfhrough Aq Bgoarded W3indow) gisions (5hrough s noarded dindow)
gVisions (5through sA nBoarded dWindow) Vgisions (t5hrough As Bnoarded Wdindow) fisions (hhrough w hoarded eindow) fVisions (hthrough wA hBoarded eWindow) Vfisions (thhrough Aw Bhoarded Weindow)
Viisions (yhrough x Booarded sindow) Vsions (ythrough xA Barded sWindow) Vsiions (tyhrough Ax Baorded Wsindow) Vjsions (6hrough Bkarded 2indow) Vjisions (6through Bkoarded 2Window)
Vijsions (t6hrough Bokarded W2indow) V9sions (ghrough B9arded qindow) V9isions (gthrough B9oarded qWindow) Vi9sions (tghrough Bo9arded Wqindow) Vlsions (rhrough B0arded Wiindow)
Vlisions (rthrough B0oarded Wndow) Vilsions (trhrough Bo0arded Wnidow) Vosions Blarded Wjndow) Voisions (trough Bloarded Wjindow) Viosions (trhough Bolarded Wijndow)
Vksions (tjrough Biarded W9ndow) Vkisions (tjhrough Bioarded W9indow) Viksions (thjrough Boiarded Wi9ndow) V8sions (turough Boaarded Wlndow) V8isions (tuhrough Borded Wlindow)
Vi8sions (thurough Boraded Wilndow) Vusions (tnrough Bozrded Wondow) Vuisions (tnhrough Bozarded Woindow) Viusions (thnrough Boazrded Wiondow) Vissions (tbrough Boqrded Wkndow)
Viions (tbhrough Boqarded Wkindow) Viisons (thbrough Boaqrded Wikndow) Vizions (tgrough Bosrded W8ndow) Vizsions Bosarded W8indow) Viszions (thgrough Boasrded Wi8ndow)
Viwions (tyrough Bowrded Wundow) Viwsions Bowarded Wuindow) Viswions (thyrough Boawrded Wiundow) Vidions (thrrough Boxrded Winndow) Vidsions (though Boxarded Widow)
Visdions (thorugh Boaxrded Widnow) Vieions (thdough Boarrded Wimdow) Viesions (thdrough Boaded Wimndow) Viseions (thrdough Boadred Winmdow) Vixions (th4ough Boadded Wihdow)
Vixsions (th4rough Boadrded Wihndow) Visxions (thr4ough Boardded Winhdow) Viaions (thgough Boa4ded Wijdow) Viasions Boa4rded Visaions (thrgough Boar4ded Winjdow)
Visiions (thtough Boagded Wibdow) Visons (thtrough Boagrded Wibndow) Visoins (thrtough Boargded Winbdow) Visjons (th5ough Boatded Winddow) Visjions (th5rough Boatrded Winow)
Visijons (thr5ough Boartded Winodw) Vis9ons (thfough Boa5ded Winxow) Vis9ions (thfrough Boa5rded Winxdow) Visi9ons (thrfough Boar5ded Windxow) Vislons (theough Boafded Wineow)
Vislions (therough Boafrded Winedow) Visilons (threough Boarfded Windeow)

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