Saint Avarice
The Curse Of Saint Avarice

There are gods
There are saints
There are those who save
Many lives put at risk
But there's one saint who can't miss
All the pain and the fear
Oh how he wishes it still were here
Damn a life such as his
The life of Saint Avarice
Out of 12 apostles
There's still one more
The 13th soul
Out of control
His story never told
Took what he could
Like they knew he would
With no mercy left at all
He made his way to this very day as the bastard son of God
Many lives put at risk
But there's one saint who can't miss
All the pain and the fear
Oh how he wishes it still were here
Damn a life such as his
The life of Saint Avarice
With no patience left and no secrets kept
He builds an empire of hate
Recruiting all he can
From animal to man
An army willing to relate
He takes the simple minds
The ones God left behind
And uses them as his sheep
And after they all fall and there's none left at all
So many souls for him to reap
All the pain and the fear
Oh how he wishes it still were here
Damn a life such as his
The life of Saint Avarice
Blood of his blood, flesh of his flesh
Blood of my blood, flesh of my flesh
Go, repent now and thou might just be saved
There are gods, there are saints
There are those who save
Many lives put at risk
But there's one saint who can't miss
All the pain and the fear
Oh how he wishes it still were here
Damn a life such as his, the life of...

Mirror lyrics:

Damn a life such as his, the life of...
Oh how he wishes it still were here
All the pain and the fear
But there's one saint who can't miss
Many lives put at risk
There are those who save
There are gods, there are saints
Go, repent now and thou might just be saved
Blood of my blood, flesh of my flesh
Blood of his blood, flesh of his flesh
The life of Saint Avarice
Damn a life such as his
Oh how he wishes it still were here
All the pain and the fear
So many souls for him to reap
And after they all fall and there's none left at all
And uses them as his sheep
The ones God left behind
He takes the simple minds
An army willing to relate
From animal to man
Recruiting all he can
He builds an empire of hate
With no patience left and no secrets kept
The life of Saint Avarice
Damn a life such as his
Oh how he wishes it still were here
All the pain and the fear
But there's one saint who can't miss
Many lives put at risk
He made his way to this very day as the bastard son of God
With no mercy left at all
Like they knew he would
Took what he could
His story never told
Out of control
The 13th soul
There's still one more
Out of 12 apostles
The life of Saint Avarice
Damn a life such as his
Oh how he wishes it still were here
All the pain and the fear
But there's one saint who can't miss
Many lives put at risk
There are those who save
There are saints
There are gods

Relevant Tags:
TThe CCurse OOf SSaint AAvarice he urse f aint varice hTe uCrse fO aSint vAarice fhe furse kf zaint zvarice fThe fCurse kOf zSaint zAvarice
Tfhe Cfurse Okf Szaint Azvarice 5he xurse 9f waint qvarice 5The xCurse 9Of wSaint qAvarice T5he Cxurse O9f Swaint Aqvarice hhe vurse 0f daint svarice
hThe vCurse 0Of dSaint sAvarice Thhe Cvurse O0f Sdaint Asvarice yhe durse lf eaint wvarice yThe dCurse lOf eSaint wAvarice Tyhe Cdurse Olf Seaint Awvarice
6he Cuurse if xaint xvarice 6The Crse iOf xSaint xAvarice T6he Cruse Oif Sxaint Axvarice ghe Chrse Off aaint Avvarice gThe Churse O aSaint Aarice
Tghe Cuhrse Of Saaint Aavrice rhe C7rse Oc Abarice rThe C7urse Ocf Sint Abvarice Trhe Cu7rse Ofc Siant Avbarice Ckrse Or Szint Acarice
Te Ckurse Orf Acvarice Teh Cukrse Ofr Sazint Avcarice Tje Cirse Og Sqint Agarice Tjhe Ciurse Ogf Sqaint Agvarice Thje Cuirse Ofg Saqint Avgarice
Tue C8rse Ot Ssint Afarice Tuhe C8urse Otf Ssaint Afvarice Thue Cu8rse Oft Sasint Avfarice Tne Cjrse Ov Swint Avaarice Tnhe Cjurse Ovf Avrice
Thne Cujrse Ofv Sawint Avraice Tbe Cyrse Od Sxint Avzrice Tbhe Cyurse Odf Avzarice Thbe Cuyrse Ofd Saxint Avazrice Tge Currse Saiint Avqrice
Cuse Sant Avqarice Thge Cusre Sanit Avaqrice Tye Cudse Sajnt Avsrice Cudrse Sajint Avsarice Thye Curdse Saijnt Avasrice
Thee Cu4se Sa9nt Avwrice Th Cu4rse Sa9int Avwarice The Cur4se Sai9nt Avawrice Ths Cugse Salnt Avxrice Thse Cugrse Salint Avxarice
Thes Curgse Sailnt Avaxrice Th3 Cutse Saont Avarrice Th3e Cutrse Saoint Avaice The3 Curtse Saiont Avairce Thf Cu5se Saknt Avadice
Thfe Cu5rse Sakint Avadrice Thef Cur5se Saiknt Avardice Thr Cufse Sa8nt Ava4ice Thre Cufrse Sa8int Ava4rice Ther Curfse Sai8nt Avar4ice
Th4 Cuese Saunt Avagice Th4e Cuerse Sauint Avagrice The4 Curese Saiunt Avargice Thd Cursse Sainnt Avatice Thde Cure Sait Avatrice
Thed Cures Saitn Avartice Thw Curze Saimt Ava5ice Thwe Curzse Saimnt Ava5rice

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