Don't Look A Gift Horse

I don't know why I'm even living here
There's friction down on the street
Science fiction takin' place all around
Read all about it

The news is on the hour and every hour
There's trouble under my bed
It's all around me
'Cause it's going on inside my head

I'm changing my station
Turning the dial on my radio
Tune to some silence
Changing my style right now

All the people downtown staring down at the ground
Don't see the Gift Horse
In the eye of the storm, in the peace of the dawn
You'll see a gift horse
And it's waiting inside, waiting inside...
*Don't look a gift horse

I won't be in today and furthermore
Please take a letter, Miss Jane
Address it to the seeker
Somewhere in my brain

I read the writing on the subway wall
Where angels fear to tread
Reaching out, seeking out
Finding a brick wall head

(Repeat bridge)
(Repeat chorus)

Changing my station, turning the dial on my radio
Tune to some silence, changing my style right now...
(Repeat chorus to *)
Gift horse...

Mirror lyrics:

Gift horse...
(Repeat chorus to *)
Tune to some silence, changing my style right now...
Changing my station, turning the dial on my radio

(Repeat chorus)
(Repeat bridge)

Finding a brick wall head
Reaching out, seeking out
Where angels fear to tread
I read the writing on the subway wall

Somewhere in my brain
Address it to the seeker
Please take a letter, Miss Jane
I won't be in today and furthermore

*Don't look a gift horse
And it's waiting inside, waiting inside...
You'll see a gift horse
In the eye of the storm, in the peace of the dawn
Don't see the Gift Horse
All the people downtown staring down at the ground

Changing my style right now
Tune to some silence
Turning the dial on my radio
I'm changing my station

'Cause it's going on inside my head
It's all around me
There's trouble under my bed
The news is on the hour and every hour

Read all about it
Science fiction takin' place all around
There's friction down on the street
I don't know why I'm even living here

Relevant Tags:
DDon't LLook AA GGift HHorse on't ook ift orse oDn't oLok A iGft oHrse xon't kook z hift jorse xDon't kLook zA hGift jHorse Dxon't Lkook Az Ghift Hjorse
eon't oook q yift uorse eDon't oLook qA yGift uHorse Deon't Loook Aq Gyift Huorse fon't pook s bift norse fDon't pLook sA bGift nHorse Dfon't Lpook As Gbift Hnorse
ron't w vift borse rDon't Lok wA vGift bHorse Dron't Look Aw Gvift Hborse con't Lkok x fift gorse cDon't xA fGift gHorse Dcon't Lokok Ax Gfift Hgorse
son't L9ok tift yorse sDon't L9ook tGift yHorse Dson't Lo9ok Gtift Hyorse Doon't L0ok Giift Hoorse Dn't L0ook Gft Hrse Dno't Lo0ok Gfit Hrose
Dkn't Llok Gjft Hkrse Dkon't Llook Gjift Hkorse Dokn't Lolok Gijft Hokrse D9n't Liok G9ft H9rse D9on't Liook G9ift H9orse Do9n't Loiok Gi9ft Ho9rse
D0n't Glft H0rse D0on't Glift H0orse Do0n't Loko Gilft Ho0rse Dln't Lokk Goft Hlrse Dlon't Goift Hlorse Doln't Lookk Gioft Holrse
Din't Lo9k Gkft Hirse Dion't Gkift Hiorse Doin't Loo9k Gikft Hoirse Donn't Lo0k G8ft Horrse Do't G8ift Hose Do'nt Loo0k Gi8ft Hosre
Dom't Lolk Guft Hodse Domn't Guift Hodrse Donm't Loolk Giuft Hordse Doh't Loik Gifft Ho4se Dohn't Git Ho4rse Donh't Looik Gitf Hor4se
Doj't Gict Hogse Dojn't Loo Gicft Hogrse Donj't Gifct Horgse

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