Sally Oldfield
This Is My Song

Stronger and stronger, brighter and brighter
Burns the flame day by day
Love wil find the way to clearer skies
And everything your heart desires
The first light of the morning opens wide
A brand new page of life
And I feel my guiding star forever shining
This is my song, this is where I come from
This is the dream I'm dreaming
This is what I believe in
This is my song, this is where I come from
The song that rings through all creation
Is the song of celebration
This is my song
Stronger and stronger, warmer and wilder
Grows the love I feel for you
It comes shining through like softer skies
I can see my life within your eyes
And everything I've longed for I can find it
In the beating of my heart
You are my guiding star forever shining
This is my song, this is where I come from
This is the dream I'm dreaming
This is what I believe in
This is my song, this is where I come from
The song that rings through all creation
Is the song of celebration
This is my song
I love you says the morning
Sky and earth like lovers calling
Wherever the wind blows I will follow
In times of joy or times of sorrow
The song that rings through all creation
Is the song of celebration
I love you says the morning / This is my song
Sky and earth / this is where I come from
This is the dream I'm dreaming
This is what I believe in
I love you says the morning / This is my song
Sky and earth / this is where I come from
The song that rings through all creation
Is the song of celebration
This is my song
I love you says the morning / This is my song
Sky and earth / this is where I come from
This is the dream I'm dreaming
This is what I believe in

Mirror lyrics:

This is what I believe in
This is the dream I'm dreaming
Sky and earth / this is where I come from
I love you says the morning / This is my song
This is my song
Is the song of celebration
The song that rings through all creation
Sky and earth / this is where I come from
I love you says the morning / This is my song
This is what I believe in
This is the dream I'm dreaming
Sky and earth / this is where I come from
I love you says the morning / This is my song
Is the song of celebration
The song that rings through all creation
In times of joy or times of sorrow
Wherever the wind blows I will follow
Sky and earth like lovers calling
I love you says the morning
This is my song
Is the song of celebration
The song that rings through all creation
This is my song, this is where I come from
This is what I believe in
This is the dream I'm dreaming
This is my song, this is where I come from
You are my guiding star forever shining
In the beating of my heart
And everything I've longed for I can find it
I can see my life within your eyes
It comes shining through like softer skies
Grows the love I feel for you
Stronger and stronger, warmer and wilder
This is my song
Is the song of celebration
The song that rings through all creation
This is my song, this is where I come from
This is what I believe in
This is the dream I'm dreaming
This is my song, this is where I come from
And I feel my guiding star forever shining
A brand new page of life
The first light of the morning opens wide
And everything your heart desires
Love wil find the way to clearer skies
Burns the flame day by day
Stronger and stronger, brighter and brighter

Relevant Tags:
TThis IIs MMy SSong his s y ong hTis sI yM oSng fhis js jy zong fThis jIs jMy zSong Tfhis Ijs Mjy Szong 5his 9s ky wong
5This 9Is kMy wSong T5his I9s Mky Swong hhis ls ny dong hThis lIs nMy dSong Thhis Ils Mny Sdong yhis os Myy eong yThis oIs M eSong
Tyhis Ios My Seong 6his ks Mg xong 6This kIs Mgy xSong T6his Iks Myg Sxong ghis 8s Mh aong gThis 8Is Mhy aSong Tghis I8s Myh Saong
rhis us M6 Soong rThis uIs M6y Sng Trhis Ius My6 Snog Iss Mu Skng Tis I Muy Skong Tihs Is Myu Sokng Tjis Iz M7 S9ng
Tjhis Izs M7y S9ong Thjis Isz My7 So9ng Tuis Iw Mj S0ng Tuhis Iws S0ong Thuis Isw Myj So0ng Tnis Id Mt Slng Tnhis Ids Mty Slong
Thnis Isd Myt Solng Tbis Ie Sing Tbhis Ies Siong Thbis Ise Soing Tgis Ix Sonng Ixs Sog Thgis Isx Sogn
Tyis Ia Somg

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