Rudimentary Peni
The Psycho Squat

Couldn't stand Dummy+Maddy no More

Thats why I had to go to the Psycho Squat,

Now the Fleas carry blood around my Body

The winning Spiel goes round and Round

The mass Debate Never ends.

Mirror lyrics:

The mass Debate Never ends.

The winning Spiel goes round and Round

Now the Fleas carry blood around my Body

Thats why I had to go to the Psycho Squat,

Couldn't stand Dummy+Maddy no More

Relevant Tags:
TThe PPsycho SSquat he sycho quat hTe sPycho qSuat fhe 0sycho zquat fThe 0Psycho zSquat Tfhe P0sycho Szquat 5he lsycho wquat
5The lPsycho wSquat T5he Plsycho Swquat hhe osycho dquat hThe oPsycho dSquat Thhe Posycho Sdquat yhe Pssycho equat yThe Pycho eSquat
Tyhe Pyscho Sequat 6he Pzycho xquat 6The Pzsycho xSquat T6he Pszycho Sxquat ghe Pwycho aquat gThe Pwsycho aSquat Tghe Pswycho Saquat
rhe Pdycho Sqquat rThe Pdsycho Suat Trhe Psdycho Suqat Peycho Sauat Te Pesycho Teh Pseycho Sqauat Tje Pxycho S2uat
Tjhe Pxsycho S2quat Thje Psxycho Sq2uat Tue Paycho Swuat Tuhe Pasycho Thue Psaycho Sqwuat Tne Psyycho Ssuat Tnhe Pscho Ssquat
Thne Pscyho Sqsuat Tbe Psgcho S1uat Tbhe Psgycho S1quat Thbe Psygcho Sq1uat Tge Pshcho Squuat Pshycho Sqat Thge Psyhcho Sqaut
Tye Ps6cho Sqhat Ps6ycho Sqhuat Thye Psy6cho Squhat Thee Psucho Sq7at Th Psuycho Sq7uat The Psyucho Squ7at Ths Ps7cho Sqkat
Thse Ps7ycho Sqkuat Thes Psy7cho Squkat Th3 Psjcho Sqiat Th3e Psjycho Sqiuat The3 Psyjcho Squiat Thf Pstcho Sq8at Thfe Pstycho Sq8uat

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