The Story Book Of Love

Come on, come on with me
To my fantasy
I'll make you think it's real
Cause I can tak you there

I'll take you to my garden
The garden of my love
A thousand endless nights
In the storybook of love

Now it's time to ride
To the land that's you and me
With power of the sun
Our love will always shine

I'll take you to my garden
The garden of my love
A thousand endless nights
In the storybook of love

In the storybook of love
Baby why don't you take me
To the storybook of love

We will live together
In the storybook
We will live together
In the storybook
We will live together
In the storybook
We will live together
In the storybook
We will live together
In the storybook
We will live together
In the storybook
We will live together
In the storybook
We will live together

Now you've been with me
To my fantasy
I'll make you think it's real
Cause I could take you there
I'll take you to my garden
The garden of my love
A thousand endless nights
In the storybook of love
In the stroybook of love

Ooh Baby
In the storybook of love
Ooh Baby
In the storybook of love
We'll hide away

Storyboook of love
Storybook of love, of love
We'll hide away
My fantasy
Stroybook of love
Baby ahh
Stroybook of love
My fantasy
We will make it real
We will take you there
My stroybook of love
We'll hide away

Mirror lyrics:

We'll hide away
My stroybook of love
We will take you there
We will make it real
My fantasy
Stroybook of love
Baby ahh
Stroybook of love
My fantasy
We'll hide away
Storybook of love, of love
Storyboook of love

We'll hide away
In the storybook of love
Ooh Baby
In the storybook of love
Ooh Baby

In the stroybook of love
In the storybook of love
A thousand endless nights
The garden of my love
I'll take you to my garden
Cause I could take you there
I'll make you think it's real
To my fantasy
Now you've been with me

We will live together
In the storybook
We will live together
In the storybook
We will live together
In the storybook
We will live together
In the storybook
We will live together
In the storybook
We will live together
In the storybook
We will live together
In the storybook
We will live together

To the storybook of love
Baby why don't you take me
In the storybook of love

In the storybook of love
A thousand endless nights
The garden of my love
I'll take you to my garden

Our love will always shine
With power of the sun
To the land that's you and me
Now it's time to ride

In the storybook of love
A thousand endless nights
The garden of my love
I'll take you to my garden

Cause I can tak you there
I'll make you think it's real
To my fantasy
Come on, come on with me

Relevant Tags:
TThe SStory BBook OOf LLove he tory ook f ove hTe tSory oBok fO oLve fhe ztory vook kf kove fThe zStory vBook kOf kLove Tfhe Sztory Bvook Okf Lkove
5he wtory gook 9f oove 5The wStory gBook 9Of oLove T5he Swtory Bgook O9f Loove hhe dtory nook 0f pove hThe dStory nBook 0Of pLove Thhe Sdtory Bnook O0f Lpove
yhe etory hook lf yThe eStory hBook lOf Lve Tyhe Setory Bhook Olf Lvoe 6he xtory Boook if Lkve 6The xStory Bok iOf T6he Sxtory Book Oif Lokve
ghe atory Bkok Off L9ve gThe aStory Bkook O L9ove Tghe Satory Bokok Of Lo9ve rhe Sttory B9ok Oc L0ve rThe Sory B9ook Ocf L0ove Trhe Sotry Bo9ok Ofc Lo0ve
Sfory B0ok Or Llve Te Sftory B0ook Orf Llove Teh Stfory Bo0ok Ofr Lolve Tje S5ory Blok Og Live Tjhe S5tory Blook Ogf Liove Thje St5ory Bolok Ofg Loive
Tue Shory Biok Ot Lovve Tuhe Shtory Biook Otf Loe Thue Sthory Boiok Oft Loev Tne Syory Ov Lobe Tnhe Sytory Ovf Lobve Thne Styory Boko Ofv Lovbe
Tbe S6ory Bokk Od Loce Tbhe S6tory Odf Locve Thbe St6ory Bookk Ofd Lovce Tge Sgory Bo9k Loge Sgtory Logve Thge Stgory Boo9k Lovge
Tye Srory Bo0k Lofe Srtory Lofve Thye Strory Boo0k Lovfe Thee Stoory Bolk Lovee Th Stry Lov The Stroy Boolk Love
Ths Stkry Boik Lovs Thse Stkory Lovse Thes Stokry Booik Loves Th3 St9ry Lov3 Th3e St9ory Boo Lov3e The3 Sto9ry Love3
Thf St0ry Bool Lovf

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