You Don't Have A Clue

It's late in the night, dancing is done
The music has died, you're ready to run

But you don't have a clue, this party hasn't ended yet
Not for me and you, now you're just pretending

You're hiding from yourself,
Yes you are, yes you are
Like golden rays of sun in the cloud

We're meant to be one, I know we are
If I am the sky, then you are my star

Hey you don't have a clue, this party never ended
Not for me and you, I know you're just pretending

You're hiding from yourself,
Yes you are, yes you are
Like golden rays of sun in the cloud

I will make you see
Haven't you got,
Haven't you got it yet?
Just lay down for a while, next to me

Didn't mean to make you panic
I didn't mean to put you off
Baby it's the way that you've got me
I listen to my heart and it did shoot high when you waltzed behind
Can I show you how?
I need your love now now now now

Mirror lyrics:

I need your love now now now now
Can I show you how?
I listen to my heart and it did shoot high when you waltzed behind
Baby it's the way that you've got me
I didn't mean to put you off
Didn't mean to make you panic

Just lay down for a while, next to me
Haven't you got it yet?
Haven't you got,
I will make you see

Like golden rays of sun in the cloud
Yes you are, yes you are
You're hiding from yourself,

Not for me and you, I know you're just pretending
Hey you don't have a clue, this party never ended

If I am the sky, then you are my star
We're meant to be one, I know we are

Like golden rays of sun in the cloud
Yes you are, yes you are
You're hiding from yourself,

Not for me and you, now you're just pretending
But you don't have a clue, this party hasn't ended yet

The music has died, you're ready to run
It's late in the night, dancing is done

Relevant Tags:
YYou DDon't HHave AA CClue ou on't ave lue oYu oDn't aHve A lCue gou xon't jave z flue gYou xDon't jHave zA fClue Ygou Dxon't Hjave Az Cflue
hou eon't uave q xlue hYou eDon't uHave qA xClue Yhou Deon't Huave Aq Cxlue 6ou fon't nave s vlue 6You fDon't nHave sA vClue Y6ou Dfon't Hnave As Cvlue
uou ron't bave w dlue uYou rDon't bHave wA dClue Yuou Dron't Hbave Aw Cdlue 7ou con't gave x Cllue 7You cDon't gHave xA Cue Y7ou Dcon't Hgave Ax Cule
jou son't yave Ckue jYou sDon't yHave Cklue Yjou Dson't Hyave Clkue tou Doon't Haave Coue tYou Dn't Hve Colue Ytou Dno't Hvae Cloue
Yoou Dkn't Hzve Cpue Yu Dkon't Hzave Cplue Yuo Dokn't Hazve Clpue Yku D9n't Hqve Cluue Ykou D9on't Hqave Cle Yoku Do9n't Haqve Cleu
Y9u D0n't Hsve Clhe Y9ou D0on't Hsave Clhue Yo9u Do0n't Hasve Cluhe Y0u Dln't Hwve Cl7e Y0ou Dlon't Hwave Cl7ue Yo0u Doln't Hawve Clu7e
Ylu Din't Hxve Clke Ylou Dion't Hxave Yolu Doin't Haxve Cluke Yiu Donn't Havve Clie Yiou Do't Hae Cliue

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