Try A Little Understanding

I wish I had a little more command
You're the person that I'd display
And if I didn't seem so crazy
You'd might like me better that way
Seems that nothing's coming up for better
May I suggest me something to you
Worry wont lead to change
Cause I know something better to do
Wont you…

Try a little understanding baby
Try to understand me
Try a little understanding baby
Try to understand me

I admit that I am living in the past
'cause' I like it that way
But the happiness I know of giving
Equalize or I'd go insane

Now I know that I may have cause some sorrow
Will nothing cause I'm living that way
So before you reach any conclusions
Or judge me in a negative way
Wont you…

Try a little understanding baby
Try to understand me
Try a little understanding baby
Try to understand me

I know that this may sound crazy
Unconscience and it's insanity (?)
This is for the record
But you don't have to worry 'bout me

Try a little understanding baby
Try to understand me
Try a little understanding baby
Try to understand me

Try, try, try, try
Try, try, try, try

Mirror lyrics:

Try, try, try, try
Try, try, try, try

Try to understand me
Try a little understanding baby
Try to understand me
Try a little understanding baby

But you don't have to worry 'bout me
This is for the record
Unconscience and it's insanity (?)
I know that this may sound crazy

Try to understand me
Try a little understanding baby
Try to understand me
Try a little understanding baby

Wont you…
Or judge me in a negative way
So before you reach any conclusions
Will nothing cause I'm living that way
Now I know that I may have cause some sorrow

Equalize or I'd go insane
But the happiness I know of giving
'cause' I like it that way
I admit that I am living in the past

Try to understand me
Try a little understanding baby
Try to understand me
Try a little understanding baby

Wont you…
Cause I know something better to do
Worry wont lead to change
May I suggest me something to you
Seems that nothing's coming up for better
You'd might like me better that way
And if I didn't seem so crazy
You're the person that I'd display
I wish I had a little more command

Relevant Tags:
TTry AA LLittle UUnderstanding ry ittle nderstanding rTy A iLttle nUderstanding fry z kittle hnderstanding fTry zA kLittle hUnderstanding
Tfry Az Lkittle Uhnderstanding 5ry q oittle 7nderstanding 5Try qA oLittle 7Understanding T5ry Aq Loittle U7nderstanding hry s pittle knderstanding
hTry sA pLittle kUnderstanding Thry As Lpittle Uknderstanding yry w Liittle inderstanding yTry wA Lttle iUnderstanding Tyry Aw Ltitle Uinderstanding
6ry x Ljttle 8nderstanding 6Try xA Ljittle 8Understanding T6ry Ax Lijttle U8nderstanding gry L9ttle jnderstanding gTry L9ittle jUnderstanding
Tgry Li9ttle Ujnderstanding rry Llttle ynderstanding rTry Llittle yUnderstanding Trry Lilttle Uynderstanding Lottle Unnderstanding
Ty Uderstanding Tyr Liottle Udnerstanding Tdy Lkttle Umderstanding Tdry Umnderstanding Trdy Likttle Unmderstanding
T4y L8ttle Uhderstanding T4ry L8ittle Tr4y Li8ttle Unhderstanding Tgy Luttle Ujderstanding Luittle
Trgy Liuttle Unjderstanding Tty Litttle Ubderstanding Ttry Litle Ubnderstanding Trty Little Unbderstanding T5y Liftle Undderstanding
Lifttle Unerstanding Tr5y Litftle Unedrstanding Tfy Li5tle Unxerstanding Li5ttle Unxderstanding Trfy Lit5tle Undxerstanding
Tey Lihtle Uneerstanding Tery Lihttle Unederstanding Trey Lithtle Undeerstanding Tryy Liytle Unferstanding Tr Liyttle Unfderstanding
Try Litytle Undferstanding Trg Li6tle Unrerstanding Li6ttle Unrderstanding Tryg Lit6tle Undrerstanding Trh Ligtle Uncerstanding
Trhy Ligttle Uncderstanding Tryh Litgtle Undcerstanding Tr6 Lirtle Unserstanding Tr6y Lirttle Unsderstanding Try6 Litrtle Undserstanding
Tru Truy Undrstanding Tryu Litlte Undrestanding Tr7 Litfle Undsrstanding Tr7y
Try7 Littfle Undesrstanding Trj Lit5le Und3rstanding Trjy Und3erstanding Tryj Litt5le Unde3rstanding Trt Lithle Undfrstanding
Tryt Litthle Undefrstanding Lityle Undrrstanding Littyle Underrstanding Lit6le Und4rstanding Und4erstanding
Litt6le Unde4rstanding Litgle Unddrstanding Littgle Undedrstanding Litrle Undwrstanding Undwerstanding
Littrle Undewrstanding Littlle Litte Undestanding Littel Undesrtanding Littke Undedstanding
Littkle Littlke Underdstanding Littoe Unde4standing Littole Littloe Under4standing
Littpe Undegstanding Littple Undegrstanding Littlpe Undergstanding Littlee Undetstanding Littl Undetrstanding
Undertstanding Littls Unde5standing Littlse Unde5rstanding Littles Under5standing Littl3 Undefstanding
Littl3e Little3 Underfstanding Littlf Undeestanding Littlfe Littlef Underestanding
Littlr Undersstanding Littlre Undertanding Littler Undertsanding Littl4 Underztanding Littl4e Underzstanding
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