Run Kid Run
My Sweet Escape

This is it, confidencec is all I need
This is how You're going to save me from myself
From all that fails
I see You and me and everything in between
And I know I'm wrong but You long to
Fuel the fire beneath these tired bones

As I dance this road back to You
A place of sweet escape I fell into
My everything will always sing Your glory

Progress, I confess is way overdue
I get caught up in the things that I've held onto
For too long I've been alone
I'm stronger ever step I take

Back to You
Run back to You
A place of sweet escape I fell into

A familiar taste that You have made inside this refuge I can't create
All back to You
A place of sweet escape I fell into Your glory, Your glory
Sing Hallelujah, I'll forever sing to lift You up
Sing Hallelujah, I'll forever sing to lift You up
You are my King
You are my King

Mirror lyrics:

You are my King
You are my King
Sing Hallelujah, I'll forever sing to lift You up
Sing Hallelujah, I'll forever sing to lift You up
A place of sweet escape I fell into Your glory, Your glory
All back to You
A familiar taste that You have made inside this refuge I can't create

A place of sweet escape I fell into
Run back to You
Back to You

I'm stronger ever step I take
For too long I've been alone
I get caught up in the things that I've held onto
Progress, I confess is way overdue

My everything will always sing Your glory
A place of sweet escape I fell into
As I dance this road back to You

Fuel the fire beneath these tired bones
And I know I'm wrong but You long to
I see You and me and everything in between
From all that fails
This is how You're going to save me from myself
This is it, confidencec is all I need

Relevant Tags:
MMy SSweet EEscape y weet scape yM wSeet sEcape jy zweet sscape jMy zSweet sEscape Mjy Szweet Esscape ky wweet 3scape
kMy wSweet 3Escape Mky Swweet E3scape ny dweet fscape nMy dSweet fEscape Mny Sdweet Efscape Myy eweet rscape M eSweet rEscape
My Seweet Erscape Mg xweet 4scape Mgy xSweet 4Escape Myg Sxweet E4scape Mh aweet dscape Mhy aSweet dEscape Myh Saweet Edscape
M6 wscape M6y Seet wEscape My6 Sewet Ewscape Mu Saeet Muy Ecape Myu Swaeet Ecsape M7 S3eet Ezcape
M7y S3weet Ezscape My7 Sw3eet Eszcape Mj Sdeet Ewcape Myj Swdeet Eswcape Mt Seeet Edcape Mty Myt Sweeet Esdcape
Sseet Eecape Ssweet Eescape Swseet Esecape S2eet Excape S2weet Exscape Sw2eet Esxcape Sqeet Eacape
Sqweet Eascape Swqeet Esacape Esccape Swet Esape Sweet Esacpe Swset Esfape Esfcape
Sweset Escfape Sw3et Esxape Swe3et Escxape

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