Run Kid Run
Wake Up, Get Up

To come around and lose yourself
To know a different life
To know that time will pass you by
We've learned to change but did we change to learn
Is this our so called imitation
To carry on with no convictions
We have the calling of another life
Another way to live
We are the ones We are the ones to blame

So Wake Up! Now it's time, this is all we have
This is the sound of revolution
So Get Up! Get Up!
To the tune of the voice inside
This is the calling of a new life

Now that we know familiar scribes
The motion of our lives
We realize our actions
Let's stop and make this happen
Here we are with so much confidence
But in the end will we be falling suddenly
And find our lives are nothing but the opposite
Of something confident
We are the ones
We are the ones to blame

So Wake Up! Now it's time, this is all we have
This is the sound of revolution
So Get Up! Get Up!
To the tune of the voice inside
This is the calling of a new life

Wake up there's no more time to waste
Today is the day

We are the ones
We are the ones

This is who we are
Now all rise
To who we are inside

Mirror lyrics:

To who we are inside
Now all rise
This is who we are

We are the ones
We are the ones

Today is the day
Wake up there's no more time to waste

This is the calling of a new life
To the tune of the voice inside
So Get Up! Get Up!
This is the sound of revolution
So Wake Up! Now it's time, this is all we have

We are the ones to blame
We are the ones
Of something confident
And find our lives are nothing but the opposite
But in the end will we be falling suddenly
Here we are with so much confidence
Let's stop and make this happen
We realize our actions
The motion of our lives
Now that we know familiar scribes

This is the calling of a new life
To the tune of the voice inside
So Get Up! Get Up!
This is the sound of revolution
So Wake Up! Now it's time, this is all we have

We are the ones We are the ones to blame
Another way to live
We have the calling of another life
To carry on with no convictions
Is this our so called imitation
We've learned to change but did we change to learn
To know that time will pass you by
To know a different life
To come around and lose yourself

Relevant Tags:
WWake UUp, GGet UUp ake p, et p aWke pU, eGt pU aake hp, het hp aWake hUp, hGet hUp Waake Uhp, Ghet Uhp 3ake 7p, yet 7p
3Wake 7Up, yGet 7Up W3ake U7p, Gyet U7p dake kp, bet kp dWake kUp, bGet kUp Wdake Ukp, Gbet Ukp eake ip, vet ip eWake iUp, vGet iUp
Weake Uip, Gvet Uip sake 8p, fet 8p sWake 8Up, fGet 8Up Wsake U8p, Gfet U8p 2ake jp, tet jp 2Wake jUp, tGet jUp W2ake Ujp, Gtet Ujp
qake yp, Geet yp qWake yUp, Gt yUp Wqake Uyp, Gte Uyp Upp, Gst Upp Wke U, Gset U Wkae U,p Gest Up Wzke U0, G3t U0
Wzake U0p, G3et U0p Wazke Up0, Ge3t Up0 Wqke Ul, Gft Ul Ulp, Ulp Waqke Upl, Geft Upl Wske Uo, Grt Uo Uop, Gret Uop
Waske Upo, Gert Upo Wwke Up,, G4t Wwake Up G4et Wawke Up, Ge4t Wxke Gdt Wxake Gdet

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